Jen Psaki Asked What the Administration Has Done to Actually Help Ukraine – IOTW Report

Jen Psaki Asked What the Administration Has Done to Actually Help Ukraine

Daily Caller

Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Friday if she could name anything the Biden administration has done in an attempt to help Ukraine that has “worked.”

“Well, Peter, let me just take a step back and explain to everyone how diplomacy works and how our approach from the United States has worked,” Psaki said. “What the president has done is he has built a global coalition to stand up in the face of President Putin and President Putin’s aggression and invasion of Ukraine.” More

37 Comments on Jen Psaki Asked What the Administration Has Done to Actually Help Ukraine

  1. What we’re seeing is the removal of the cabal in Ukraine. There’s something deeper going on here.

    The tree has been shaken….just look who has “fallen out of the tree” recently.

    I also think Trump is still the CIC working behind the scenes.

  2. @Anon: 350 mill in military aid, today, next! What have u done?

    A single Air Force F-35A costs a whopping $148 million, and costs go up from there. 350 mill buys 2 of them, with change left over to buy ordnance.

  3. WTF good is 350 Million given “today” when the capital of Ukraine is being surrounded by enemy forces RIGHT NOW. How fast can they turn those frogskins into bombs and bullets? Anon You’re a fucking Idiot. Will someone please whip out the Ban Hammer on Anon… We are tired of his pathetic trollery.

  4. WTF good is 350 Million given “today” when the capital of Ukraine is being surrounded by enemy forces RIGHT NOW. How fast can they turn those frogskins into bombs and bullets? Anon You’re a fucking Idiot. Will someone please whip out the Ban Hammer on Anon… We are tired of his pathetic trollery.

  5. Here is a good one:

    Doug Ford, in Order to Punish Russia, ordered the removal of all Russian Products from the LCBO Monopoly. (Liquor Control Board of Ontario)
    It is the only place to buy harder Booze in Ontario.

    Yesterday the Dog Fuckers that work there were Giddy pulling the VERy FEW brands of Russian Vodka from the shelves.

    Stoli is still there. (Latvia)

    Imagine the fear in Putin’s mind…

  6. But oh Brad, you are such the smart guy! On the watch list along long time ago. Next smart question?

    You always sound so gay for Brad.
    What’s up with that? I don’t think he wants you. Just let it go.

  7. ^^^^
    You know what funny about that? I have a security clearance. It’s so low level it’s not much but you still go through the same back ground checks. I think Anon FBI guy should go play this game someplace else. It’s pretty juvenile really.

  8. “Big Fur, you put your site on the FBI watchdog list!”

    What with planning their next false flag “Patriot Front” demonstration (hey guys, leave the khaki pants at home this time) they have no time for our little forays.

    Hell, they can’t even infiltrate a school board meeting without shitting the bed.

  9. @Anon

    “First you guys are crying Bidens is doing nothing, fuck off when he does.Losers !”

    Personally I would not be in favor of sending anything to Ukraine because the whole thing just stinks. We’re being lied to and manipulated to support doing something for Ukraine which probably will not be able to stop the Russian military even with our help, whatever that may be. Ukraine can hope that Russia just takes a hunk out of it and leaves the rest.

    Just what do you think we should do? Send Ukraine more money, military aid, NATO soldiers and our troops, or all of this?

  10. I would like to see an itemized list of what $350 million in military aid actually was. This administration has a propensity for spewing whoppers and pulling numbers out of their ass. Considering how Biden loves to brag about himself if this aid is real how come he isn’t blabbing about it now? With their fuzzy math being what it is they could be referring to what it cost to send troops to Germany where they will sit in place.

  11. Vice President Kamala Harris said on Sunday when she remarked that “the purpose of the sanctions has always been and continues to be deterrence.”

    Well, that didn’t age well.


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