Jen Psaki Claims “We Need To Reduce Our Dependence On Foreign Oil” – IOTW Report

Jen Psaki Claims “We Need To Reduce Our Dependence On Foreign Oil”

Blue State Conservative-

Looking more bug-eyed and sounding more crazed than ever, if that’s possible, soon-to-be departing Jen Psaki made the outlandish observation that the Russia-Ukraine conflict has highlighted the need for America to reduce its consumption of foreign oil. 

As Will Smith famously once said, “Welcome to Earth.”

There simply aren’t enough words, which pains me as a writer to admit, that fully capture the magnitude of deceit, lying, and hubris (for knowing they can get away with the blatant deceit and lies) of all these corrupt Democrats, but Psaki especially. The ease with which she pretends to be presenting novel and never-before-considered thoughts is bone chilling. You have to wonder if she possesses a soul. She certainly doesn’t have a moral compass. 

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28 Comments on Jen Psaki Claims “We Need To Reduce Our Dependence On Foreign Oil”

  1. Only one way to do that and care for the Earth: buy more solar panels from China.
    Oh wait, maybe open Keystone XL pipeline, build nuke plants, stop making it difficult to use our own resources…

  2. We need to decrease our dependence on foreign oil? Really? I have this niggling in the back of my brain that I have heard this somewhere before. Now, where was it? Oh yeah, this is ludicrous!! Orange Man Bad!! And all conservatives are evil!!

  3. To reduce the National Debt and/or pay the increasing price for Energy from wherever,

    we should charge a modest fee for anyone desiring to throw a pie at the head of these lying assholes. The income generated would be enormous !!

  4. 2 weeks ago BNN ran an article saying that most producers in North America have already told their shareholders that they are not planning to “drill baby drill”.

    They will instead be shoring up their balance sheets, becoming more efficient, & paying down debt.
    The last paragraph was the real reason though. Unsure political environment & inconsistent energy policies.

    translate: “Fuck You, we are not getting suckered again!”

  5. Psaki wants to reduce dependence on foreign oil by replacing it with green energy. Well, except for nuclear – nuclear energy is still off the table.

    Green energy needs to be commercially viable so that market forces will mandate a switch to green energy. Commercially viable not only means economically competitive, but also reliable and practical to consumers. So far, solar and wind are not always reliable nor economical without government subsidies, and current battery technology is not particularly practical. Electric cars are nice, but their range is limited and we don’t have the infrastructure to support a whole sale shift to electric vehicles yet. Current battery technology also has significant environmental issues in their manufacture and disposal. In short, green energy is not yet commercially viable.

    The marketplace is a wonderful thing – just ask Elon Musk. No one outlawed the horse and buggy – something better came along and replaced it. The passenger train faded away because automobiles were far more convenient. At some point, electric power may supplant the internal combustion engine – but only when it becomes economically feasible, reliable and convenient.

  6. Why don’t you guys go first?
    Biden can stay in DC instead of flying to Delaware every week.

    Also Jen, you fake ginger, we don’t have memories that short. We were here when this country was energy independent not under Obiden.

    A real ginger

  7. Wyatt
    “In short, green energy is not yet commercially viable.”
    In short, green energy is not that green.
    Ethanol is not a green fuel, just as much pollution as gasoline, with 33% less energy than gas.
    The only truth about Ethanol, is it’s renewable. Using 40% of our corn, at a higher cost.

  8. Well if she was serious about it, they would stop buying oil from Russia! That just makes them stronger!
    Conversely, producing oil here and selling it makes us stronger and THAT is the dirty little secret they are trying to hide behind the facade of this so-called Green technology that can’t replace fossil fuels no how, no way!

  9. “…has highlighted the need for America to reduce its consumption of foreign oil”

    Everyone keeps applying conservative logic, values, and solutions to her statement.

    She said nothing about producing more energy here. Just use less. That was the plan all along.

    She just wants us all to suffer and, hopefully, die off.

    Don’t be surprised if her solution is to double energy prices until most people stop having heat, lights, fueled-up vehicles, etc.

    NWO says you will have nothing and you will be happy about it.

    This is a phase to that.

  10. Dadof4,
    “…has highlighted the need for America to reduce its consumption of foreign oil”

    I see where you’re going with that. Make it:
    “…has highlighted the need for America to reduce its consumption of oil”
    That what you had in mind?

  11. Woodman, using her words and the truth that they restrict, and will continue to restrict, energy production here.

    1+1 Really simple math. You don’t need to change the x into a y or a z – the result is the same.

    Trying to split hairs about what that means isn’t useful.

    You know what it means. Suffering Americans.

  12. West TX oil fields are picking up again.
    Prices determine whether or not extraction and exploration is worth pursuing, not the dunderheads in DC.
    When prices go up, so does production.

  13. @Robert D Lyons February 28, 2022 at 12:02 pm

    > Her children should be taken away from her…She’s not fit to be a parent, given her fantasies.

    And any “gender male” that (would) “hit that” needs to be taken out back. (No “and?”. Nobody knows what happened. After “out back”.)


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