Jerry Hall and Rupert Murdoch Get Engaged – IOTW Report

Jerry Hall and Rupert Murdoch Get Engaged

Mick Jagger’s ex, Texas born, ex-model, Jerry Hall has announced her engagement to Rupert Murdoch. I wonder what she sees in him?


Gee, what’s she thinking?

48 Comments on Jerry Hall and Rupert Murdoch Get Engaged

  1. He’s wearing my shoes, I’m wearing his shoes, he’s on his tip-toes, I’m hunched, and I still get the greasy nose on my cheek.

    16 billion dollars…. 16 billion dollars…

  2. More like


  3. I dunno about all the comments above. He may keel over, but in the meantime he’s a sly fox and if she gives him a hard time he will dispatch her, as he did to his last wife, the Chinese Dragon.

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