Jethro Needs Help – IOTW Report

Jethro Needs Help

Jethro says-

I tried to make parody lyrics for the REM song “It’s the end of the world as we know it”, making fun of the left, useful idiots of the press, and the uniparty.

I found it impossible to create meaningful lyrics based on nonsense.

I used to like the song because I focused on the music and not the lyrics.  Now that I have spent so much time with the lyrics I now hate the whole song.

This is where I left it:

It’s the end of your world as you know it, but I feel fine

That’s great,

They say he campaigns on hate,

He owns two airplanes,

Tammy Bruce is not afraid.
Other politicians getting burned, listen to the pundits churn,
Party serves its own needs, leaving people in the weeds.
Feeding off the taxpayers, has no morals,

Hollywood starts to clatter with fear he’s gaining might.
Candidates lie to us, representing big money,

a government for hire and the citizens can’t fight.
Lefties and SJW’s coming in a hurry
With the feminazis breathing down his neck.
Team by team reporters baffled, trumped, neutered cropped.
Look at that low playing! Fine, then.
Uh oh, overflow, population, common food, but it’ll do.
Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its own needs,
Listen to your heart bleed dummy with the rapture and
The revered and the right, right.
You vitriolic patriotic, slam, fight, bright light,
Feeling pretty psyched.


It’s the end of your world as you know it.
It’s the end of your world as you know it.
It’s the end of your world as you know it, but I feel fine.

Six o’clock, news hour. Don’t get caught in Trump’s tower.
Media nowhere to turn, listen to the pundits churn.
Doubling down, misinforming, book burning, blood letting.
Other candidates escalate. Watch them self-incinerate.
Light a candle, light a votive. Step down, step down.
Watch your heel crush, crushed, uh-oh,
This means no fear cavalier. Renegade steer clear!
A tournament, tournament, a tournament of lies.
Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives and I decline.

[Chorus 2x]

19 Comments on Jethro Needs Help

  1. That’s a tough one. I’d call it “It’s The End Of The World As Libs Know It “And We Feel Fine”…I hear Michael Stipe needs a karaoke monitor to sing this song now…time and knob gobbling takes it’s toll.

  2. frankly … if you read the lyrics it suits our present situation … (although the progtard wouldn’t recognize it)

    whatever the progs whine about is actually a reflection of their own selves because they are too caught up in themselves

    they don’t recognize the ‘revolution’ of the idea

  3. OK here’s the easy answer. Use a different tune.

    4/4 fast time, reminiscent of Klezmer, but most definitely not a 5/4 Mediterranean folk melody.

    I Don’t know if the parody should be a quatrain in iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of abba (named after the pattern used by Lord Tennyson) or Terza Rima. The parody definitely demands metrication in quarter notes, though consider a merciless underlying tuba rhythm reminiscent of monotonous driving on endless Texas highways.

    I think your best bet is go with a Klezmer beat, string random Yiddish words together in a happy tune with more cow bell and a couple of Balkan-ish clarinet solos. This simplifies the drudgery of making up English lyrics, but will make even the most remote progressive, muzz, SJW, Obama lover, Israel hating heads explode.

    Keep the title in English: It’s The End of Your World BWAHAHAHHH!

    That’s all I got.

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