Jill Biden’s Actual Role in the Biden White House – IOTW Report

Jill Biden’s Actual Role in the Biden White House

Red State

I’ve taken to calling Jill Biden the Handler-in-Chief and the Shover-in-Chief: the former, for obvious reasons and the latter, for her propensity to all but literally shove Joe Biden offstage whenever he veers off-course – which is often.

I’ve also called her the “Rescuer-in-Chief,” because of all the times she’s had to step in and run interference for Joe Biden when he goes wildly off script—which is often.

In my view, it’s incredibly unseemly at this point for Jill Biden in her role not as First Lady but his wife of 46 years to not acknowledge when enough is enough, and to call the second round (a reelection campaign) off before the situation with Joe Biden’s questionable mental acuity gets even more out of hand. More

13 Comments on Jill Biden’s Actual Role in the Biden White House

  1. After successfully propping up a limp wristed, purple lipped magic negro for 8 years they became emboldened and gave the most corrupt murderous woman a shot to prove their ability to gaslight the American public. However they miscalculated the level of cheating required and were certain to fix that especially after orangemanbad stole their thunder. Now they can run a Dead Biden, heck even a rock or a shoe, and from this point forward are determined to push statistically impossible math on the now dumbed down tiktok crowd, using culture to shame any dissidents as *-ist, *-ism, and *-phobe. The fix is in, Trump can get 200 million votes, and Dead Biden (or a rock) will get 250 million. More votes than people, you say? No sirie, you will be cut-off for making such a brazen accusation. But they may forever look to avoid fighting such accusations, and from this point forward always bury a non-uniparty candidate with a politicized justice system, including ardent supporters. We need to fight our way out of this, voting harder seems unlikely, but I pray all you beautiful people vote hard enough to get us back on the right path this next election cycle, we may have only 1 more shot at it.

  2. Power and all the wealth that comes with it is a powerful drug, and the Faux Lady is addicted to it as much as anybody in Resident Biden’s circle of handlers.

  3. “First Whore”….
    Jill Stevenson met pedojoe46 (1972ish) cheated (1974ish) on her 1st husband (Bill) with pedojoe 46….
    It makes me wonder why Nellie (pedojoe46’s 1st wife) pulled out in front of that truck (1972ish).


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