Jill Biden’s White-Knuckled Ride With Ramblin’ Joe – IOTW Report

Jill Biden’s White-Knuckled Ride With Ramblin’ Joe

14 Comments on Jill Biden’s White-Knuckled Ride With Ramblin’ Joe

  1. Joe looks freakier than usual. Red lipstick and blacker eyes. His head looks wider than normal. Maybe Jill was worried his mask was melting off under the TV lights. 🤔

  2. No neck Jill.
    Reminds me of Mitch, the turtle, McCONnell.

    Jill and Mitch never know what Joe will say, but both will support Biden and screw America first regardless.

    Jill was a baby sitter, alleged to be screwing Joe before he was divorced. Now she’s a no-neck babysitter again.

    McCONnell, when he sticks his head out, needs a babysitter while he screws republicans and Americans.

    Many similarities.

  3. Wearing a dress that looked like it had been glitter bombed, “Dr.” Jill seemed very stressed and worried she’d have to step in and fix pResident Scammbled Brains dimwit comments. That would make it too obvious she’s the defacto pResident.

  4. That “interview” was probably done around 3 in the afternoon. The husk can’t abide having his tapioca, nap & diaper change interrupted. And yes, the good Doktor looked like the fluffer in a 70’s era porn flick in that getup.


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