Jill Stein Gets Wisconsin Petition For Recount In Under Deadline – IOTW Report

Jill Stein Gets Wisconsin Petition For Recount In Under Deadline

Isn’t she the candidate that siphoned votes away from Hillary in the general election?


Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has filed a request for a recount with Wisconsin election officials.

State Elections Commission Administrator Mike Haas said Stein filed the request around mid-afternoon Friday, about an hour and a half ahead of a 5 p.m. CST deadline.

 Stein’s campaign has been raising money online to cover the costs of recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. She says she wants to make sure hackers didn’t skew the results in those swing states. The campaign had raised about $5.2 million as of Friday afternoon.

Wisconsin law calls for the state to perform a recount at a candidate’s request as long as he or she can pay for it. The state has never performed a presidential recount. Election officials estimate the effort will cost up to $1 million.


Lemme guess. The lawyers are Bill and Hillary?

44 Comments on Jill Stein Gets Wisconsin Petition For Recount In Under Deadline

  1. Ain’t karma a bitch? She did what she wanted to do, which was to siphon votes from Grandmommy Dearest and now she has regrets that she was successful. Methinks she’s sucked one exhaust pipe too many.

  2. If Cankles steals the White House with this recount business which most definitely can be translated to mean stuff more ballots and flip more e machine votes before recounting, then Congress will be disbanded most likely and the Constitution trashed per Queen Cankles. She will destroy those who could remove her from her throne (which she thinks she deserves). Trump needs to get serious about this very real threat, and stop focusing only on his cabinet stuff. This is NOT a harmless threat to his election results! If they steal Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, her total becomes 278 and the bitch wins it all. GET SERIOUS about this threat. Until December 20, with the Electors votes in the system, the Fat Lady hasn’t sung.

  3. “She says she wants to make sure hackers didn’t skew the results in those swing states”
    If the recount is done in the same fashion, how will she verify there was no hacking? And further more I’ll bet Trump stand a good chance of extending his lead if we want to rule out all voter fraud.

  4. The Dems aren’t interested in this and have said as much. It’s going nowhere. If they look into the states’ votes, they’re going to see where hillary votes were cast by illegals, non citizens, etc. They are not going to take any chances on giving Trump extra votes.

  5. True, MJA, but if the recount progresses, and is paid for by whomever (Soros), Dem approval or not will be immaterial. This comes down to further cheating to win or like BB says, guaranteeing that no further criminal acts happen. How do you do that with the Soros sourced machines? keep them off the net and allow no one to get close to them by military guards? Shield them in a lead surrounded room so hackers cannot wirelessly get in? Get military data personnel to do the research? I would not trust the hillary election fraud attorneys nor her “experts” ever. My concern at this point is that is Trump even aware? Is he taking strong measures to protect the integrity of the votes?

  6. My Facebook crazies are all in on this and are celebratory. These same anti-capitalist goofballs are also having Black Friday sales at their new Etsy/RedBubble/Zazzle “NotMyPresident” online shops. Trump improves the economy for everybody-even those who hate him!

  7. I wonder if this isn’t just a back door way for Hitlery and Soros to finance another attempt at more vote fraud. It seems very strange to me that Stein was somehow able to raise $7 million+ in short order for a recount in 3 states, but she was apparently only able to raise $3.5 million for her entire campaign.


    There is certainly some dirty money changing hands some way in this putrid deal and there is no valid purpose in Stein filing for a recount when she had less than 2% of the vote anyway. More democrat dirty dealing no matter how you look at it.

  8. You gotta feel bad for the conservatives in Wisconsin. It seems they are constantly dealing with crap post-election challenges from the left. The good thing is that left always loses.

  9. “It seems very strange to me that Stein was somehow able to raise $7 million+ in short order ”

    Exactly. The Right Poop was making fun of this effort on Wednesday because she had raise about a buck eightyfive. I smell that rotten pig Sorros. Somebodies gotta do something about that guy.

  10. I started picking up on this late yesterday. Alex Jones is a bit over the top, but he has some points. And, the Trump team has yet to say word ONE about this. Getting down into the weeds on cabinet appointments and sub appointments will be immaterial if she takes the three challenged states by fraud (Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania). She ends up with 278 electoral voters plus the faithless traitors. This is serious shit. Trump needs to step up to the challengers and beat them again. He also needs to forget about giving that snake another free pass. Otherwise, it will be like some TV series where the villains keep coming back to kill you over and over because you were magnanimous at the first. How many time do you want to be nice and forgive, only to be slaughtered at the end? You survive pit vipers only one way, cut off their heads.

  11. Southwesterner, If the Trump team says anything about it the legitimize her. I’m sure they know about it but would doubt highly if they would acknowledge Stein’s existence.

  12. BB i agree to your point. The filing has been made in Wisconsin for the recount. It’s official. At this point legitimizing her request is on record. I just don’t want our side caught by surprise. To get forewarning is to fight effectively, no sucker punches. We could let ourselves go nuts with the endless attacks on our country and due process by Soros and the Progtards. I wrote on another site yesterday…if ANYONE knows where Soros is holding up, hiding, please contact the local police and let someone know. The Federal DOJ here would only give him safe passage to Mount Thunder. Hell, for all we know the bit about the hit squads from the Russians looking for Soros could be fabricated.

  13. Trump’s silence does not mean he’s not working on this. Great opportunity to shed light on voter fraud and maybe Soros will be outed in the process. I say bring it on,.

  14. Southwesterner, It seems to me our Justice system could build a case against Soros very easily. You got your Black Lives Splatter shit going on, which has several dead LEO caused by an organization funded by him. Or how about those Voting machines? I dunno. Maybe that will happen. Clearly the guys an instigator and a problem.

  15. Brad: It doesn’t matter if DJT “legitimazes” her or not. She will get the recount if she pays for it, and is advertising on her website for volunteers to witness the recount. This is funded by Soros and Hillary, and is fertile ground for further cheating. Trump MUST take this seriously.

  16. To let Cinton supporters “witness the recount” is saying come on in and destroy the ballots. This is insanity. If this happens, Trump should insist the original vote is true and record it as such, in court. Jill is a whack job for sure. Our nation is in danger with these types running loose and off their leashes.

  17. Get the ballots from Wisconsin and the other two challenged states into safe keeping in secured military bases away from the mobs and then do what they need to for recounting. Rule by Mob will not pass in America, and deaths will increase.

  18. They are going to steal the election. They did not unleash the voter fraud that they could/should ahve at the begining because they were foolish enough to believe their own PR. Now they are desperate and what they are trying to pull off with this recount is to have the big democrat cities “magically find” (i.e. in car trunks, vans and basements) missing ballots for Hillary that will reverse the certified election results. I agree with many commentors here that the source of Stein’s funing especailly near the zero hour and in such high amounts is very susipicious…..(I heard that Soro’s bots were hitting the Stein recount fund website at a very high rate). Take the elector college folks that have flipped their votes, plus all the uncounted votes that will be magically found and it is going to be a long and messy 2 months till Hillary’s inaugaration….

  19. That is why they need to secure the voting machines and ballots and lock them up in military secured forts, with no access to anyone not fully vetted. No surprise boxes of uncounted ballots should be allowed for the very reasons you said, Katiec. We know they found some pre-election marked ballots for Hillary, and we saw the vote personnel stuffing ballots into the lock boxes in some precincts, trying to cover themselves doing it, but were caught by vigilant watchers. Cheating is the only way to win for those snakes.

  20. When President Elect Trump is certified on December 20th, I will rest easy. Until then no way! I feel like the scout in the trees watching stealthy enemy advancing, and my radio calls to the HQ are being ignored because everyone is in a party hardy frame of mind. If the traitors plots work, we lose. I don’t want that, i invested in Trump financially to prevent that, and i feel like taking a big sledge hammer into the meeting room and taking that table to pound town…getting someone’s attention. Can you feel my frustrations? lol.

  21. She filed it, MJA. or rather the attorneys working for her (hillary) did. The Board of Elections in Wisconsin would not file the recount request without a certified cashier’s check for the full amount.

  22. Southwesterner,

    I share your concern. Hopefully someone in the Democrat party is smart enough to realize they try and steal this shit things are going to get REAL bloody. Real quick.

  23. Merry Poppet: Of course she wants the money…. to pay off her campaign but as the old saying goes: “you have to spend money to make money!” She is spending it on the recount but she’ll make way more than she’ll spend…. However, the end game is to try and steal the election. Like Southwesterner I recommend extreme caution and diligence until Trump is securely in office.

  24. Do you honestly think Trump would let this pass without fighting it? Just say, “Sure, recount the votes! I lost this time? Oh, my bad. Congratulations, Hillary!!” Because yeah, he just rolls over for all kinds of shit. Did it the whole campaign, didn’t he?

    No, he didn’t. And he won’t.

  25. Not saying that he won’t fight. He’ll fight and he has some of the very best lawyers and people working for him. Just saying that Stein getting the funding AND meeting the deadlines are just a little too convenient for coincidence…

  26. It is that, katie. But Trump has the money and the firepower to match it. I guess we wait to see if the recount is granted (not a guarantee–she has to show a good basis for it) and then take it from there.

  27. Maybe Trump should immediately file for recount in Nevada and New Hampshire? Hopefully his legal team is already on the ground in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. In most states, A close vote is not enough legal reason to request a recount; there has to be some demonstration of corruption or error.

  28. Cut and pasted from “Alexander” on the Gateway Pundit:

    HARE AND REPOST THIS EVERYWHERE!! Jill Stein, acting on Hillary Clinton’s orders and financed by George Soros, has brazenly accused the Russians of hacking the state elections in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan with absolutely zero evidence.

    She raised, in 24 hours and under extremely suspicious circumstances, more money than she raised in her entire campaign, to file a challenge to conduct, under the auspices of a recount, a “forensic audit” of the Election Management System, or EMS, which is a piece of unsecured hardware connected to the Internet which acts as the “mothership” of the state election system.

    Obama, Hillary, & Soros are using Stein to file so that they have plausible deniability, but there is no denying the bot that was donating to Jill Stein’s audit campaign, $160,000 per hour, every hour, even at 3AM, when Americans were asleep and the donations should have dipped. This is a Soros scheme!!

    Now, for the truly horrifying part: they are going to “find” evidence of “hacking” on the EMS which Hillary’s people most likely planted there immediately after she conceded the election. If you are wondering why Obama and Hillary uncharacteristically conceded so quickly and easily, here is your answer: they set their “hacking” plot in motion and raced to the 3 states.

    When evidence of “hacking” is “discovered” on the EMS, right where they know it is because Hillary/Obama planted it there, the Democrat Media Complex will immediately go to work with prepared headlines and stories claiming Trump cheated, delegitimizing his victory, and inciting the violent Soros mobs to greater violence. The states will have no choice but to give the states to Hillary.

    At this point, the American people, outraged at this rape of their democracy, will flood the streets to protest the criminal framing of Donald Trump by the Obama/Soros/Hillary faction. Clashes will break out.

    Obama, pretending to be disconnected and above the fray, will claim that the matter is not settled and he needs to reinforce security. Jan 20 will come and go. Martial law. Suspension. This was the plan all along. Spread this to everyone you know and WAKE them up! Our rightful President Donald Trump must be warned and hold those responsible to account, to the point of criminal prosecution if necessary.

    Jill Stein filed in Wisconsin today and the clock has begun. Do not be distracted by anything else. Tell everyone you know. This travesty must not be allowed to occur!! #Recount2016 #AuditGate #AuditTheVote

  29. Local news tonite said they she filed, but hasn’t paid yet. EB won’t start a recount until they get the check (and it clears). Some Native Hippie dude was on the tube saying they have the money and will send a certified check if told to.
    Sounds like a fundraiser to me.

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