These people have no sense of humor. Wild that a vice presidential candidate would take time out of his “busy schedule” to analyze a joke taken out of context to make it seem racist. I love Puerto Rico and vacation there. I made fun of everyone…watch the whole set. I’m a…
25 Comments on Joe Biden called 75 million Trump supporters “floating garbage”
Thanks Joe. I’m one of them. I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. I hope you stay alive long enough to watch and learn you piece of shit. You need to answer to the American People you traitorous piece of shit.
There better be a fucking fleet of Waste Management trucks parked at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue come January.
Time to take out that rancid, demented piece of shit, his cunt whore wife, his dickbag degenerate son, and dump their scum in the landfill along the Potomac.
Tired of these traitors.
Our Founding Fathers would have long ago hung the rat-bastard joe biden from a Tree of Liberty…
That’s Mr. Floating Garbage to you.
oh, now your hurt my ‘1 feeling’ mr president. so who has dementia? good lucky with your new job next tuesday. you know, an adult diaper tester.
I’d certainly prefer to be floating garbage than a total piece of shit on the bottom of a cesspool.
The rat-fuck dems have nowhere to look but up.
He, his son and his wife need to die in prison.
Says the lying demented old chicken-fucker.
I’m not the President* of the U.S. speaking in public, of course, but I have to be honest here. I’ve called Joey and his supporters worse things than garbage and I don’t plan to stop any time soon. They are evil corruption personified.
Wait! What about the other 75 million of us?????
Between that and Mike wondering why Chlamydia isn’t running away with the race, it feels like ’16 all over again.
Hey Joe, it’s better to be floating garbage than a floating piece of smelly chit, like you and your pals!!
who shit your pants?
Inigo Montoya, I’m sure joey has all the qualifications to be a more than adequate adult diaper tester. He meets all their expectations to be the A # 1 diaper tester and I’m sure he’ll do a shitty job as usual.
The peaceful transition of power is out the window now.
Joe is way overdue a bitch slapping.
Sez the “floating turd”.
The damage the grifter has done….
consider the source
It’s just too bad that puppet Brandon was too born stupid to realize that nearly every American at least once has chanted/spoke the words “Fuck Joe Biden” in response to what he has done/said as a fake president.
He is historic. Looking back in amazement, all will wonder why he was allowed to destroy so much!
Lets send Bad Bunny, AOC, and Joey Pedo to Puerto Rico as Sanitation Enigineers!
Trump needs to take the real refuse and trash out!
Wednesday, 30 October 2024, 9:16 at 9:16 am
‘Joe is way overdue a bitch slapping.’
Gehenna literally means garbage dump. It’s located at the edge of the universe. Joe and his dem cronies will find out soon who it’s reserved for, and it ain’t us Christians.
Isn’t it time for the D’s to drag out Geraldo to scream Trump is racist.
I’d rather be “Floating Garbage” than sink low enough to be a Democommie.
Am I the only one who noticed he started to say “Puerto Rico where I am from” before catching himself and saying Delaware?
you & your gubmint-dkskrs should be safe if you stay away from real humans
Thanks Joe. I’m one of them. I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. I hope you stay alive long enough to watch and learn you piece of shit. You need to answer to the American People you traitorous piece of shit.
There better be a fucking fleet of Waste Management trucks parked at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue come January.
Time to take out that rancid, demented piece of shit, his cunt whore wife, his dickbag degenerate son, and dump their scum in the landfill along the Potomac.
Tired of these traitors.
Our Founding Fathers would have long ago hung the rat-bastard joe biden from a Tree of Liberty…
That’s Mr. Floating Garbage to you.
oh, now your hurt my ‘1 feeling’ mr president. so who has dementia? good lucky with your new job next tuesday. you know, an adult diaper tester.
I’d certainly prefer to be floating garbage than a total piece of shit on the bottom of a cesspool.
The rat-fuck dems have nowhere to look but up.
He, his son and his wife need to die in prison.
Says the lying demented old chicken-fucker.
I’m not the President* of the U.S. speaking in public, of course, but I have to be honest here. I’ve called Joey and his supporters worse things than garbage and I don’t plan to stop any time soon. They are evil corruption personified.
Wait! What about the other 75 million of us?????
Between that and Mike wondering why Chlamydia isn’t running away with the race, it feels like ’16 all over again.
Hey Joe, it’s better to be floating garbage than a floating piece of smelly chit, like you and your pals!!
who shit your pants?
Inigo Montoya, I’m sure joey has all the qualifications to be a more than adequate adult diaper tester. He meets all their expectations to be the A # 1 diaper tester and I’m sure he’ll do a shitty job as usual.
The peaceful transition of power is out the window now.
Joe is way overdue a bitch slapping.
Sez the “floating turd”.
The damage the grifter has done….
consider the source
It’s just too bad that puppet Brandon was too born stupid to realize that nearly every American at least once has chanted/spoke the words “Fuck Joe Biden” in response to what he has done/said as a fake president.
He is historic. Looking back in amazement, all will wonder why he was allowed to destroy so much!
Lets send Bad Bunny, AOC, and Joey Pedo to Puerto Rico as Sanitation Enigineers!
Trump needs to take the real refuse and trash out!
Wednesday, 30 October 2024, 9:16 at 9:16 am
‘Joe is way overdue a bitch slapping.’
Gehenna literally means garbage dump. It’s located at the edge of the universe. Joe and his dem cronies will find out soon who it’s reserved for, and it ain’t us Christians.
Isn’t it time for the D’s to drag out Geraldo to scream Trump is racist.
I’d rather be “Floating Garbage” than sink low enough to be a Democommie.
Am I the only one who noticed he started to say “Puerto Rico where I am from” before catching himself and saying Delaware?
you & your gubmint-dkskrs should be safe if you stay away from real humans