Joe Biden’s attempt to hit campaign trail in the virtual world couldn’t have gone worse – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s attempt to hit campaign trail in the virtual world couldn’t have gone worse

BPR: Democrat Joe Biden unintentionally provided some much-needed comic relief amid the coronavirus lockdowns that have decimated the once-sizzling U.S. economy. Biden held a virtual campaign rally for Tampa, Florida, which descended into an epic dumpster fire marred by amateurish technical glitches.

The 47-minute virtual rally was live-streamed on YouTube, but Biden didn’t even appear until 37 minutes in. more

27 Comments on Joe Biden’s attempt to hit campaign trail in the virtual world couldn’t have gone worse

  1. I’m still not expecting Biden to be the actual candidate this November.

    Even the Democrats can’t be that stupid, can they?

    It’s all some kind of subterfuge going on, but exactly what it is I don’t know yet.

  2. Completely sad, lame, pathetic and AFU!
    And whut the hell wuz with the 100 year old DJ playing distorted music for 10 minutes??? For the life of me I dunno why he put on sunglasses, cuz Jackass Joe just ain’t that bright!!

  3. His motley crew has had a couple of months to get their tech glitches worked out, but it’s only gotten worse. Now I’m thinking they’re glitching on purpose to hide Joe’s slide. It’s like a cell phone in a 90’s movie, when the hero doesn’t want to hear tye police chief: “I’m going in a tunnel, you’re break—-up——call whe——. —“

    Jill, the AV guys are tired of being scapegoats for glitchy Joe. Sooner or later, you’ll have to show him in all his addled glory. And in case you haven’t noticed, Trump and Pence are out and about. That’s why the media is focusing on WH staffers who caught Chinavirus. The media needs Trump penned up so Joe doesn’t look so cowardly and silly in the basement.

  4. This is who the Demonrats currently say has the tools to be President of the United States. Think about that, this idiot cannot even direct a zoom meeting on you tube.

    I listen to many Q related simocasts with multiple narrators and these guys can manage a multi layer multi forum podcast with minimal effort and funding yet he who would be leader of the greatest country on earth can’t even remove his mask properly.

    He is the stupidest man ever put in front of us as a supposed candidate. With dementia to boot. The liberal Marxists think they are so intellectually superior to the average Joe and yet this simple pervert is their best option until Hillezibub takes over.

    Currently they push for cheat by mail, but only in states that Hillezibub will win by large margins anyway, but it is still incumbent upon each of us to vote and get all we can to vote because the cheating will be magnitudes larger this go round.

  5. Joe’s been in a home for some time. What you’ve been seeing for the past year is glitchy AI hologram tech. Which still has more self-awareness, substance and reality than Obama.

  6. The dems could intentionally infect Joe with Wubonic Plague hoping he will die. Then the path is clear for a new nominee and they can make Joe a martyr of Trumps’ ‘mishandling of the virus.

  7. Just think how contemptuous the people who control the Dementiacrat Party are of the American Voters. They know that Dementia Joe Obiden Bama is mentally incompetent and completely unfit for the highest office in the country. But they also know that ninety percent of the Welfare Plantation Dwellers and all of the pro-abortion feminists will vote for this buffoon. They’ve also got the children of millions of illegal immigrants in their pockets. All the transsexuals and most of the homosexuals are on board. Round up the gun confiscators and add all the dedicated Liberals and Socialists to the Trump haters and they’ve got about half the voters. Now, they have to find a way to get rid of the Basket Case in the Basement. This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome has accomplished. It has destroyed one of the two oldest political parties in America.

  8. Remember that movie THEM? If you wore sunglasses you saw what the aliens in human form really looked like.

    Well, that campaign video was NOT full of glitches. We got to see the real sleezezoid demoncrats, without the masking. Damn frightening reality.

    Now turn that lens on congress and the supreme court and government departments, and MSM……. sleezeoids everywhere.

  9. @Mm — Yes, indeed, it is frightening to see them as they are.

    Side note: I thought Them! was the one about the giant ants attacking Los Angeles. James Whitmore, James Arness. 195? B/W movie. Is there a more recent and different Them?

  10. biden will not be the candidate.
    This, post dnc convention, will give the opposition Republicans 3 months at most, to build a campaign against the real democrat candidate.
    democrats hope this will give them enough of an edge to take the White House & the reigns of power.
    They continue to underestimate Donald Trump

  11. Saying it again: if he’s elected he’s going to meet with an unfortunate pillow mishap within a month of swear-in. The VP, whoever it is, is the real POTUS candidate.

  12. he said himself he’s the “transition candidate”

    he’s the place holder

    hillary will get the call

    she may be able to hold it together for the 3 months from the convention to the election, maybe.

    if they stick with joe, he will never debate DJT.

  13. I ain’t buying any of this. The leftists and their support ‘tech giants’ are WAY, WAY, and I repeat, WAY too sophisticated for this kind of crap.
    Deflection….watch the other, hidden, hand(s)

  14. I may be one of the few people here (and elsewhere) who think that the DNC actually *is* just that stupid enough to keep him on their ticket. Stupidly arrogant. If you think about every other candidate they fielded for this election, with your Identity Politics glasses on, it’s easy to see how they ended up with joe biden. What I’m saying does not make sense on its face, but if you really stop to think about it, it does.

    If we were, say, four years on and Cortez or Omar are still in office, I predict that is what the new, radical DNC will elevate. I’m not kidding. Look what they did for obama, with his background.


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