Joe Manchin Let Himself Get Rolled on the Inflation Reduction Act – IOTW Report

Joe Manchin Let Himself Get Rolled on the Inflation Reduction Act

Fox News

“Manchin wants to distance himself from the administration he enabled with the Inflation Reduction Act, and really wants to distance himself from its results, but that’s impossible,” Morrissey wrote. “The vote on the IRA came down to Manchin; Manchin negotiated its terms; and Manchin endorsed its policies and the lack of control the legislation had on [President Joe] Biden’s use of the bill. If Manchin wants to talk about ‘political malpractice,’ maybe he should look in the mirror.”

Manchin responded to Morrissey’s criticism on Fox News, calling it “ridiculous.”

“Well, that’s ridiculous,” he said. “I mean, from the standpoint – we write pieces of legislation, we expect the administration to adhere to the intent and how we wrote it. It’s in the bill, read the law. So, anybody who has that opinion has not read the bill.” More

7 Comments on Joe Manchin Let Himself Get Rolled on the Inflation Reduction Act

  1. Manchu is a phony. He sometimes mouths words that sound sensible but always stays on the plantation.
    Just like Mark Warner and Timmy Kaine.
    And phony Republicans Lindsey Graham and Mitch Mc turtle.

    Go ahead and add to the list.

  2. He knew when they bought his vote what they would do. But he wasn’t up for reelection…
    And now he is, so he is playing the ‘I care but was taken in’ card.
    Lies, lies and propaganda.

  3. He’s the ONLY ONE who didn’t know that Biden was LYING right to his face on that one. What a tool. Hopefully the W. Virginia electorate are wise enough to send him packing the next time around. What a freedom-hater.

  4. How’s that Inflation Reduction Act working for you?
    How about the Affordable Care Act?
    There are so many misnomered acts that do the exact opposite of how they’ve been sold that I can’t keep score anymore.


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