Joe picks a weed for his wife, then pushes her ass up the steps – IOTW Report

Joe picks a weed for his wife, then pushes her ass up the steps

38 Comments on Joe picks a weed for his wife, then pushes her ass up the steps

  1. @MJA Joe’s got the old man hair that I hate-floppy on the neck and separates into clumps behind his ears. So, barber shop is closed at the home,er, White House?!?

  2. Forget the weed, really sick of looking at Grandma and Grandpa wearing their mask 😷 muzzles.

    Talked to a girl who worked at Wendy’s last night and she thinks that they are going to make them wear the muzzles forever. Lord help us.

  3. The video I saw over at TGP shows them showing up to the helicopter in the SUV (no walking for them). She grabs his hand like you would a 3 y.o. and pulls him in the right direction. His gait during the short walk is very stilted like you see with dementia or Parkinsons. Why oh why are we being punished with these two creeps.

  4. Are we sure that was really a weed and he was trying to get her to smoke it and get high and roll around on the White House lawn with him and his 2 dogs and act goofy. They got the goofy part down already, they just need some of Hunters wacky tobaccky or cocaine to become even more nuts than they already are. And we all thought that Slick Willie and barry were the only dopers/stoners to ever live in the White House.

  5. @Thirdtwin: that’s a $3,500 Oscar de la Renta dress the old ho bag is wearing. Nothing could make that old slattern look good. She is one used up, high mileage old hag.

  6. Lemons to the Peach state, how appropriate….

    As for the flower picking, that’s exactly the impulsive juvenile behavior you see in dementia patients.

    Stupid shit lost his face diaper in his own pocket at the end of his 3 car rally in Georgia , and the “Doctor” was to stupid to look there first.

    God save us all.

  7. He walks like a lost old man. His speech sounds like a lost old man. Old lost people behave like children as in picking dandelions. My 5 yr old grandson did that for me last Sat.
    He definitely has dementia.

    Everything doktor Jill wears lately has 80’s shoulder pads.
    She needs to stop trying to be Melania.


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