John Fetterman’s musing on murderers may be a gift to Dr. Oz – IOTW Report

John Fetterman’s musing on murderers may be a gift to Dr. Oz

American Thinker:
Andrea Widburg

The RNC has discovered some audio of John Fetterman, the Democrat candidate for Senate in Pennsylvania, talking about his dreams for the state’s prison population, especially those in prison for murder. Given the state’s soaring prison rate, Pennsylvania voters who haven’t drunk too deep from the leftist Kool-Aid may want to pay attention to what he said…because he’s completely out of his mind. Moreover, this is not because of his stroke, which has slowed his speech; this is leftism, pure and simple.

In the two videos that seem to date from 2020 (hat tip: Red State), Fetterman freely voices his ideas for criminal justice reform. In the more disturbing video, when asked what he would do if he could “fix one thing” in the state, Fetterman was ready: “Life without parole in Pennsylvania.” Then, in what’s a bizarre retreat from reality, Fetterman expands on his dream:

We could save thousands of lives and not make anyone less safe. Also, expunges many permanent records of people who have been living their best lives and have been paying well beyond when they should have for a charge they caught ten, fifteen years ago.

Keep in mind that Fetterman is not speaking about Victorian-era criminals condemned for life for stealing bread or lace. He’s talking about murderers who “have been living their best lives.” I can’t even fathom what that statement means. People in prison for life for killing some poor victim are “living their best lives” after an old murder conviction ten years ago, and should be released onto the streets because that won’t “make anyone less safe.” In which universe is this true? more

21 Comments on John Fetterman’s musing on murderers may be a gift to Dr. Oz

  1. this guys appeal to the left is he’s convinced them he’s an outlaw bad ass.
    Most the real bad ass guy eventually end up on some form of social media either lifting really heavy weights or on an MMA mat. Where do we find chubby? Living in his parents basement.
    He wears that baggy shit for a reason. He’s fat as fxck. Literally to lazy to change that. He’s a fake, an imposter, and ultimately a big vagina. Crazy eyes will only take you so far. Oz should physically challenge him. That would be entertaining.

  2. I agree.
    If someone murders Fauci, Pelosi, Schumer, Hochul, Whitmer or biden* or any worthless FBI agent they should be out after 10 years.

    Five for good behavior…

  3. @LocoBlancoSaltine — One might argue that murdering “Fauci, Pelosi, Schumer, Hochul, Whitmer or biden* or any worthless FBI agent” IS good behavior.

    (Nixon whispering voice: But that would be wrong.)

  4. Uncle Al, yes THAT WOULD indeed be wrong.
    BTW, as you may have noticed I didn’t mention a Clinton in my Dead Pool.
    I may be Loco but I’m not stupid…

  5. Fetterman, like Joe Biden, Kathy Hochul, Gavin Newsom and numerous others in government, is a longtime racist against blacks and ethnic people plus a sekual harasser of women which msm has hidden, though not carefully enough.

  6. Giant ugly satanic Demonrat troll worships murdering bastards. You don’t say?

    Demonrats have been given their marching orders to open the borders and jails.

    A double cabal uppercut to destroy America.

    This insane bullshit is intentional, they want the violence and chaos to tear America apart at the seams.

  7. I read a line in a novel where two characters are discussing the penalty for killing a cop(s). They figured that “the first one is expensive, the rest are free”

  8. May I suggest a better idea? Develop a matrix where the worst of the worst inmates is assigned the number the prison was designed to hold, say, oh, idunno, lifer-inmate number 1,000. When a newly minted career criminal comes in the front door, lifer inmate number 1,000 goes out the back door. To the Gallows.

  9. I read elsewhere that he had a big forearm tattoo that read “I Will Make You Hurt”. It has now been totally blacked out. No shit, genius. You didn’t have to cover that tattoo up to know what you have in store for those idiotic enough to vote for you. And the innocent folks caught in your sights, as well.

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