Journalists Hate New Show That Airs Live Police Patrols – IOTW Report

Journalists Hate New Show That Airs Live Police Patrols

If this journalist had an ounce of brain matter she, or maybe he, I dunno, would figure out how their theory about cops and criminals is ridiculous.

Here is the Newser writer’s full piece

 Live PD is sort of like long-running hit show Cops, except that everything on the show is aired live (with an undisclosed delay) and unedited. In one instance, a South Carolina mother was watching the A&E show when she found out—along with everyone else watching the show—that her son had been shot dead. The twice-weekly show is a huge hit, its viewership having grown 92% since it premiered in October, but at the Outline, Ann-Derrick Gaillot calls it “the most disturbing show on TV.” The show’s creator has said the series is “a natural extension of dashboard cameras and body cameras, and trying to present a more complete story, to answer the public’s call for transparency.” But, writes Gaillot, that claim is “absurd.”

Police officers explain the action on the show, meaning it’s set up for viewers to sympathize with police while viewers are not given any meaningful background or context on the communities being policed. Viewers are sometimes subjected to violence and death. They also see arrests that may or may not lead to a conviction. And all of this is often happening in places where more people than average live below the poverty line, “reinforcing the impression that poor people are inclined to crime.” And then, of course, there’s the fact that all of this is presented as entertainment. What A&E is “actually broadcasting is a monetized spectacle of the problems that plague the criminal justice today, namely a broken police system that targets low-income communities and people of color.” Click for Gaillot’s full piece.


Uh huh. This is what plagues the criminal justice system.

Stop “targeting” the poor communities and everything will be alright.

Do these morons, both Gaillot and Evann (the extra n makes the name feminine??) Gastaldo, ever stop to ponder what the “live show” LIVE PD would be like if they shot on location in a white suburban community? It would take three years before they had anything more interesting than mailbox baseball.

Go to the areas that the police “target” and there’s enough material to reliably “entertain” the audience.

This, of course, is the fault of the police.


Also, thanks for alerting me to a show I never heard of, Barbra Streisand.

16 Comments on Journalists Hate New Show That Airs Live Police Patrols

  1. I read some comments on YouTube where someone made a comment about how police were harassing people for such thin gs as over-tinted windows, burned out brake lights, and similar matters. Someone had to point out to that person that they were actually offences that warranted attention but the police.

  2. I’m on the side of LEO’s because the vast majority of them are fine people doing the best under stressful circumstances.

    That being said, I fear that the fascination that people have when watching this stuff will lead to a possible eventuality where it’s Christians vs lions in an arena and it’ll be considered entertainment.

    The more things change…….

  3. This would be a terrific spin-off series:


    Cameras are placed throughout an inner city government school, capturing the gritty vitality of life in what is humorously thought to be a place of education.

  4. Tsunami, ever hear of a little film called ‘The Running Man’? I predicted that was the direction we were all headed in back in the late ’80’s with TV shows like American Gladiator.

  5. So Ann-Derrick Gaillot ( ) feels that this is “the most distrubing show on TV”.
    Well guess what snowflake, this show is about real life. Where these law enforcement officers go there is no time out or safe space to retreat to. No puppies and coloring books, no unicorns and up twinkles.
    Now pull up your big girl panties and go help these communities if it is so disturbing to you instead of leaving it up to others.

  6. It’s the same reasoning that has created mass shootings every weekend in Chicongo. If the cops actually target the shooters, liberals scream racism because not enough white fcuktards like me commit gun crimes.

  7. I love Live PD on A&E, it shows original ones on Friday and Saturday nights and reruns through the week. It does give you a really good insight into what the police have to go through. I mentioned this before on another thread but we have had two incidents here where the police chiefs released body cam tapes immediately because the stories getting out were sensationalized.

  8. Criminals rob banks because that’s where the money is. Police patrol the hood because that’s where the criminals are. Crime doesn’t have a quota. Should whites commit more crimes in order to catch up proportionally to hoodrats? Maybe hoodrats could commit fewer crimes so they more closely match their slice of the population.

    And they wonder why we call them leftards.

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