Juan Williams Slams CNN Report Claiming Sean Hannity ‘Pulled Gun’ on Him After ‘Argument’ – IOTW Report

Juan Williams Slams CNN Report Claiming Sean Hannity ‘Pulled Gun’ on Him After ‘Argument’


The fake news establishment media at CNN is at it again. Now they are attacking Fox News host Sean Hannity, smearing his reputation with a phony story about him allegedly pointing a gun at liberal Fox News contributor Juan Williams.

Dylan Byers, one of the media writers at CNN who works for media industry defender Brian Stelter, printed a story on Thursday alleging: “Last year, after ending one of his many spirited on-air arguments with liberal contributor Juan Williams, Hannity pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Williams.” Byers cited “three sources with knowledge of the incident” to make the claim.

“He even turned on the laser sight, causing a red dot to bob around on Williams’ body,” Byers wrote, adding in parentheses: “Hannity was just showing off, the sources said, but the unforeseen off-camera antic clearly disturbed Williams and others on set.”

Byers added in the next paragraph that the alleged incident was investigated, and it was determined nothing bad happened.

“For the record: Hannity’s colleagues brought the Williams incident to the attention of Fox News executives, though it’s not clear whether anything came of it,” Byers wrote. “The sources said it went to Bill Shine, the network’s co-president and longtime Fox News executive, who is Hannity’s longtime friend and a former producer. A Fox News spokesperson said the incident was referred to the legal and human resources departments.”

Byers buried deep in the story the actual quotes from Fox News itself, and Hannity and Williams themselves. All of them say are saying the incident is being way overblown by CNN, which is one of Fox’s competitors, is lagging behind Fox in the ratings, and is constantly under fire for printing fake news stories like this one.

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7 Comments on Juan Williams Slams CNN Report Claiming Sean Hannity ‘Pulled Gun’ on Him After ‘Argument’

  1. While it’s probably true that Mr. Williams probably needs a little discipline and a slap now and then for the crap he supports I doubt if Mr. Hannity would pull a gun on him.

    I have on at least two occasions, and with curious people I trust, showed them my concealed carry weapon and demonstrated basic safety methods while doing so, and also demonstrating the lazer sights on my Bodyguard 360.

    I know enough newsreporters to know that this is a verboten topic and that they would go batshit about it.

    Get over it!

  2. My President Trump goes to the beach, takes off his tie and steps out onto the water and walks around on top for a while, and walks to shore and goes home.
    CNN Headline that night”
    “Trump snubs beach goers by refusing to swim with them.”

  3. There will always be a very profitable market for lies about Republicans. CNN is meeting demand. No matter how many lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and omissions, the left will eat it up. CNN is just following the example of the New York Times.

  4. One thing to remember is that Jeff Zucker is the head of CNN. He’s the former head of NBC Universal who was fired after driving the NBC from first to fourth place and generally being an arrogant fuckup. He was hired in January 2013 with the express purpose to have CNN become profitable. I think that CNN’s fall from being a respectable news channel has accelerated during the last four years and is vying with MSNBC in becoming the worlds most untrusted news source. Hey, maybe Zucker can resurrect “Joey” on CNN to have a half hour show about the foibles and daily life of an CNN Anchorman. I mean it worked for NBC right?

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