Judicial Watch Files Suit against HHS for Planned Parenthood Records – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Files Suit against HHS for Planned Parenthood Records

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Judicial Watch announced today that it has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia seeking records related to contracts between the Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Population Affairs and Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director, Medical Services at Planned Parenthood, for Dr. Nucatola’s paid work on the 2014 government report “Providing Quality Family Planning Services.”

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5 Comments on Judicial Watch Files Suit against HHS for Planned Parenthood Records

  1. If PP fears anyone yapping at their heels it should be Judicial Watch. These guys are simple outstanding for getting FOIA requests for information released in all sorts of cases.

    I think the count of lawsuits pending against this Administration in different Federal Courts is up to 16 or 17, and Judicial Watch is the plaintiff in several and assisting in many. JW is doing the hard work on behalf of the US Constitution, and deserve all of the support they can get.

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