Judicial Watch Gets Ahold Of Hillary’s Post-Benghazi E-mail Backing Of Susan Rice’s Talking Points – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Gets Ahold Of Hillary’s Post-Benghazi E-mail Backing Of Susan Rice’s Talking Points

It’s the day after the consult in Benghazi had been over run and four heroic Americans have died in service to the Obama Administration and the Hillary Department of State. People want answers and the want them immediately. The truth is damning especially with the 2012 election weeks away, so a cover story has to be concocted and fed to the compliant press.

UN Ambassador Susan Rice is recruited to go on all the Sunday talk shows to propagate the story and defend the administration. But there’s a problem once the lies start being told. All the fabrications have to hold together or the tissue of lies will come apart like used toilet paper. Somebody has to control the narrative, shape it, keep the various pieces whole, like the Secretary of State herself, Hillary Clinton.

How do we know this? Because Judicial Watch acquired Hillary’s e-mail (from her bathroom server) that lays out all the talking points, those used by Rice and those not used. Now you can read the same damning communication that confirms the knew all along it was a planned attack, they covered it up and then they had to cover up the existence of her private e-mail account.

Damn them all. Read Here

Tom Fitton explaining the importance of the documents finally released on discovery against the Depart of State. Watch

8 Comments on Judicial Watch Gets Ahold Of Hillary’s Post-Benghazi E-mail Backing Of Susan Rice’s Talking Points

  1. Why don’t they just close up the phony DOJ and FBI and have Judaical Watch do the job they refuse to do??? Good work Tom Fitton, yet again better than our over paid government at uncovering the dirt

  2. Thirty-three thousand emails on a private server and all they talk about is talking points??? But, come on, somebody is still covering up for that POS Clinton. Not diminishing Tom Fitton’s persistent investigation-he’s doing a great job.


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