Kaepernick Ignored as Players Sign for Free Agency – IOTW Report

Kaepernick Ignored as Players Sign for Free Agency

Breitbart: San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick became the talk of the league this year with his anti-American protests. Kaepernick recently declared his free agency, then announced he would end his refusal to stand for the national anthem. But, even as the league’s free agents are snapped up at a quickening pace, it appears that Kaepernick is being ignored, thus far going unsigned.

Kaepernick, once considered a burgeoning player with a bright future, helped lead the 49ers to the Super Bowl in 2012 only a year after he went pro. But, the 2011 second-round draft pick never sustained the drive to excellence since 2013, when he helped lead the 49ers to an NFC Championship.  more here

36 Comments on Kaepernick Ignored as Players Sign for Free Agency

  1. I hate it when I see diminished talent $$Millionaires being oppressed.
    Maybe if colon comes out of the closet and announces he’s gay or transvestite Cleveland will give him a place on the bench.

  2. Ironically, and the drive home last night the local talk show radio covered this story and the very next story was that of Tim Tebow hitting his first home run of the year. I couldn’t help thinking how the Sports Media had destroyed the career of a Heisman Trophy wining quarter back that arguably could have been one of the best all because he was a Christian. And then on the other hand that same media elevated Kaperdick to the point of self destruction. And lost a lot of viewers for the NFL to boot. All in the name of PC I guess.

  3. He has the right as an American to be a libtard BLM dick head, and the owners have the right to exercise bad judgement and be stupid. And millions of football fans have the right to find something else to watch. Kind of sheds light on why soccer is becoming so popular. When they start libtarding out the same thing will happen. I couldn’t care less, but sport fans invest so much time, money and emotion into their teams and games,
    that ripping them off is a really bad idea. Playing politics instead of football is theft.
    Theft of the fans time and money and emotion. Supporting idiots who commit this theft is aiding and abetting that theft and encouraging that theft.
    The NFL is reaping the whirlwind. The whirlwind of suicidal political activism. IMO.

  4. Sadly they will do the same thing to him they did to Tim Tebow but for the opposite reason.

    I ain’t defending him – I still think Chassis Clay should still be in jail for his political rhetoric — but look at the career he went on to have.

    This guy did less and he’s being sacrificed – Obama served his eight years and look what he did.

    Just don’t pay him big bucks – make him aware of his mistake the American way.

    Look at how many domestic violence and criminals are playing in the NFL.

  5. @grayjohn, exactly! If the NY Giants picked him up, it would devastate me. This is the one sport, and the one team that I have followed my whole life. I would leave all that in a heartbeat if that happened.

  6. Wonder how Pat Tillman would have responded to the likes of Kaeperdick? Makes me sick that one gave his life so that the other (and the NFL by extension) could ridicule the flag for which the other died. NFL needs image rescued/rebuilt.

  7. I wonder whether any of the other players that joined him in his Career Suicide Pact still kneel during the anthem? I’ll bet they’re whistling past the graveyard praying everyone has a short memory.

  8. I wouldn’t cross the street to spit on this low life. He will get everything due to him. I was disgusted the 49er’s who stood up for him as did the NFL. The Nazi Foot Ball League has fatally injured themselves. I did not watch a signle game this past season. Hooray for Netflix.

  9. One QB kneels for the Lords preyer, the other QB kneels for the SSB.
    Which one is called a hero and which one is called a hater?
    NFL wonders where the money went.

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