Kamala Harris’ Stepdaughter Gets Modeling Gig – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris’ Stepdaughter Gets Modeling Gig


Ella Emhoff is Kamala Harris’s stepdaughter.
8 days after the inauguration Ella was offered a modeling contract with top agency IMG Models. more


80 Comments on Kamala Harris’ Stepdaughter Gets Modeling Gig

  1. great- she’s the step daughter of a woman whose ancestors were among the largest slave owners in Jamaica. So now, as a bribe to her step mother, she’ll be used to promote clothing that is made in foreign countries by slave labor.
    easy to understand with these guys

  2. She was chosen to help other homely women gain self confidence.
    The same is done with “plus size” models.

    It’s one thing to feel good about yourself but quite another to delude yourself.
    It’s going to be as appealing as seeing a 60 yr old man in a speedo. Feast your eyes.

  3. C’mon.
    Y’all forgotten Chelsea Clinton?
    Amy Carter?
    Those two whachacallits of LBJ’s?
    All those Kennedy women?
    The two Obola girls?
    Amy Schumer?

    Gack … all of em beautiful, smahht, edjukated, worth $500,000 /yr, at least.
    She bears a striking resemblance to “Ruby” of the other thread, though.

    I wish her the best – she’ll be lucky not to die of an OD or some weird disease.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It looks like a young John Lennon. Actually not even a young one. How old is that thing? 30? 40? It ain’t the years, it’s the miles and that thing has the 1000 yard stare of someone who has been passed around the perverts and pedophiles who inhabit Kamala and Joe’s world from the time it could walk.

  5. It’s all part of the FAKE agenda. Fat is beautiful, men are women, Biden is president, market isn’t rigged, currency has value, $15/hr raises people out of poverty, climate change, masks, scamdemic, vaccine is 100% safe and effective, only a small number of deaths happened in nursing homes, 15 days to slow the spread, Big Mike is a woman … etc, etc.

    and she’s just part of the new: awwwwwwww isn’t Cumula’s daughter BEAUTIFUL? *eeeesh*

    Every goddamn thing we’re told these days is a flat out LIE, so now they have “fact checkers” to remind us that anything contrary to their lies is a “conspiracy theory.”

  6. Lay off the kids. She is just trying to get her life going. So what if she gets an undeserved break here. If she can model, she’ll make it. If not, her stepmom can’t fix that. I feel the same about Barron Trump and the Obama daughters. Let them live their lives.


  7. The “fashion” industry is controlled by a bunch of gay guys. They can’t have beautiful women that would outshine them.
    We’ve seen art become ugly, architecture that looks like it was designed by Soviet prison designers.
    It was only a matter of time before physical beauty was dumbed down to the lowest point.
    Gone are the days of appreciating real beauty.
    Now we have to see land whales and whatever this is… strutting the runways.
    A remake of “The Devil Wears Prada” would be a comedy at this point.

  8. If the modeling career doesn’t work out, her political and cultural connections will land her a well paid gig on the board of a major art museum. Check out that gorgeous masterpiece on the wall behind her… Just imagine the sort of contemporary art she could spend your tax dollars on, when she pulls in the national grants.

  9. This is a novel way to launder bribe money. I guess no one would believe anyone would want to pay Cameltoa six figures to cackle into a microphone for 45 minutes or pay seven figures for her memoirs which everyone knows changes by the minute.

  10. I miss the edit…
    Pretty sure anybody, emphasis on anybody, could slide out from under that slip of paper.
    I’m old enough to remember when anorexia was a disease to be pitied.
    Imagine, a “disease” that can be cured with a Big Mac.

  11. Annie, thank you for pointing out the “art work” behind her. I’m still trying to figure it out. Is it an lgbt octopus eating a blue frosted donut on a purple mattress? The entire picture screams gender-confused no-talent entitled millennial bolshevik.

  12. I’m guessin she didn’t get where she is by doin what Auntie did, at least not with men. And I just loves me a woman with more armpit hair than I have, or a Sasquatch for that matter.


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