Kansas: $1,000 Reward Offered For Missing Inflatable Colon – IOTW Report

Kansas: $1,000 Reward Offered For Missing Inflatable Colon

Breitbart Tech: Officials with the University of Kansas Cancer Center are willing to pay good money to anyone who can locate a stolen inflatable colon.

Medical center officials announced Friday that they are offering $1,000 in reward money to anyone who can track down a large, inflatable human colon spanning ten feet and weighing 150 pounds.

Someone pilfered the inflatable human organ from the back of a pickup truck in early October. The intestine, which is valued at $4,000, had been in a Kansas City neighborhood for a walk/run event, the Kansas City Star reported.



35 Comments on Kansas: $1,000 Reward Offered For Missing Inflatable Colon

  1. Totally off topic, but I wanted to let my fellow commenters that Jim passed away at 11:00 am this morning.

    41 years together, 40 married. My one and only, and monogamous for both of us. I was just 16 when we met, he was 26. Never last, the whole family said. HA! I thank God for bringing us together and helping keep us together when things got rough, which they did. I will miss you till my dying breath Jim.

  2. Dear RottyLover — We’re so sorry that your Jim is gone from you. But not forever and not for long in the grand scheme of things. So hard to believe that when the days and the nights drag on. Thank you for letting us all know.

    Love & Hugs & Prayers to you,
    AbigailAdams and Geoff C. the Saltine

  3. Oh RottyLover, I am so sorry about Jim–my husband and I have been married 41 years and he is 10 years older. I will be praying for you and hope that God gives you peace until you are with Jim again.

  4. I don’t want my comment to be mis-understood…..I’m pissed off by your loss, Rottylover. I hate cancer to the marrow of my bones and I’m glad to know his name was JIM…..

  5. RottyLover….
    Please accept my condolences. Your life was richer together. May God give you the strength to go it alone until you meet again forever.
    Bless you….


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