Kansas Sues Pfizer – IOTW Report

Kansas Sues Pfizer

Kansas AG Kris Kobach suing Pfizer for ‘misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine.’

11 Comments on Kansas Sues Pfizer

  1. Pfizer is just about to find out just how fast politicians can turn. Soon as trial lawyers are greasing their palms with more than Pfizer can match all hell is going to break loose.

  2. I bet a twister taking out the whole state of Kansas has better odds than Kansas vs Pfizer. Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore. Trump did sign into law drug companies can’t be sued over the miracle covid vaccines. Kansas, where is it again, never been there, but might of had coffvee there once.

  3. @ stick em at 7:24 pm
    Many many people hope dumbasses drop dead too. Billions have taken the vaccines. Wishful thoughts are no more real than gay fairy tales, LBGTQ one.

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