Karma finally comes knocking for Michigan’s AG Dana Nessel – IOTW Report

Karma finally comes knocking for Michigan’s AG Dana Nessel

Revolver: Is Michigan’s bitter, lesbian AG Dana Nessel’s time running out? It’s possible, but it won’t be a walk in the park. Republicans, currently the minority, have just filed impeachment articles against Nessel. They’re accusing her of abusing her authority to target her enemies and shield the regime. So, will Michigan’s TDS-infected DA face impeachment? Time will tell, though it’s certainly an uphill battle. more here

7 Comments on Karma finally comes knocking for Michigan’s AG Dana Nessel

  1. It must be knocking in a different part of the country because I’ve been watching the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press since yesterday afternoon and nobody’s apparently told them.

  2. Perverts are mis-wired.
    They should NEVER be in positions of authority.
    This has been known since time immemorial, but we’ve forgotten.
    We should pity them but never let them near the levers of power.
    Their perverse nature will always come out (see Bradley Manning, Adolf Hitler, Joey Biden, and Joe Stalin, for examples).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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