Kenya’s Odinga Declares Election “Corrupt” – Supreme Court Agrees and a New Election is Declared – IOTW Report

Kenya’s Odinga Declares Election “Corrupt” – Supreme Court Agrees and a New Election is Declared

Nairobi, Kenya | AFP | Kenya’s Supreme Court today declared the results of last month’s presidential poll “invalid, null and void” and ordered the election be re-run within 60 days.

“The presidential election held on August 8 was not conducted in accordance with the constitution,” said Chief Justice David Maraga, ruling in favour of the opposition which challenged the declaration of President Uhuru Kenyatta as the winner.

Maraga said this was a majority decision, with two judges dissenting.

The shock ruling was a rare example of a poll result being overturned, with Maraga saying the election commission (IEBC) “failed, neglected or refused to conduct the presidential election in a manner consistent with the dictates of the constitution”.

He validated opposition leader Raila Odinga’s argument that there had been “irregularities and illegalities”, notably in the transmission of election results.

ht/ The Big Owe

There ‘s something slightly racist in that blurb above, no?

9 Comments on Kenya’s Odinga Declares Election “Corrupt” – Supreme Court Agrees and a New Election is Declared

  1. Bold and decisive and imposing Chinese, doing the autocracy…

    “One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks. But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it can also have great advantages. That one party can just impose the politically difficult but critically important policies needed to move a society forward in the 21st century. “–Tom Friedman, NYT

    We’re not doing it right, America. Let the NYT lead the way.

  2. Hussein’s cousin.
    He named his son after fidel castro, and had previously promised terrorists sanctuary if they are muslim.

    “GEORGE SOROS has given RAILA SH 530 million to overthrow UHURU and RUTO in August – EVIDENCE
    Other Political News, Politics 09:43
    Tuesday August 1, 2017-Hungarian –American philanthropist, George Soros, has funded National Super Alliance (NASA) presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, with Sh 530 million to oust the Jubilee government.”

    That’s the same Odinga that obama campaigned for, as a sitting Senator, in 2006. Logan Act. Violation. What they are trying to hang Flynn for.
    Anyway, the election didn’t turn out like they had planned and Odinga’s supporters went on a rampage, or ‘ethnic cleansing’:
    “Odinga’s supporters went on a rampage—burning Kikuyu homes and businesses, (“Ethnic Cleansing in Luoland” The Economist 2/7/2008) raping Kikuyu women, and murdering everyone in their path—including at least 50 Christian Kikuyu woman & children who had sought refuge in a church. They burned them alive. (“Mob Burns Kenyans Seeking Refuge In Church” CNN 1/10/2008)”

    Obama’s cheerleading for anti-American Odinga (who named his son after Fidel Castro) “was more than reckless,” wrote former U.S. attorney Andrew McCarthy, “it was borderline criminal (and that’s being generous).” McCarthy also said Obama’s intervention was an “outrageous contravention of U.S. policy and, [referring to the Logan Act] probably, federal law.”
    “By 2010, this tribal connection resulted in President Obama quietly transferring millions of U.S. tax dollars to Odinga’s government, including $2 million to convince Kenyan voters to vote for a new constitution. According to the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, the new constitution would force Kenyans to be “subjected to these [Islamic] tribunals merely by virtue of what religious community they were born into…” Some members of Congress actually called for an investigation but, typically, nothing ever came of it. By the end of 2010, hundreds of millions of dollars flowed to Kenya from a myriad of U.S. agencies such as USAID, all with the likely intent of boosting the popularity of the Odinga regime.”

    Sorry for lack of brevity, but odinga is evil incarnate, and I must oppose . obama odinga soros. Evil.

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