Kevin O’Leary Says He’s Stepping Up… – IOTW Report

Kevin O’Leary Says He’s Stepping Up…

…to Fill the Void for Canada

5 Comments on Kevin O’Leary Says He’s Stepping Up…

  1. His promoting of an Alberta Data Center makes all kinds of sense. We don’t need all of Canada for a 51st state, just Alberta. Most of Canada is like our west coast as far as stupid voters go.

  2. I am a true Canadian in that I was born in Winnipeg and have lived in Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary and now Regina. My personal experience is that people in Ontario think that people from the west (excluding Vancouver) are a bunch of retarded knuckle draggers, who just fell off the turnip truck. The only reason we are the “have” provinces who finance the rest of Canada is because we have lots of natural resources. I disagree with them, the reason AB and SK are doing well is because we have free market economies and Conservative governments. I would welcome association with the United States as AB and SK have much more in common with Montana and North Dakota that with the rest of Canada.


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