Knockout Game POS Performs His Contribution To Society Right in Front of the Police – IOTW Report

Knockout Game POS Performs His Contribution To Society Right in Front of the Police

They say they are going to investigate if this was a hate crime. Well, it wasn’t a love crime. None are.

HOUSTON – Deputy constables chased down a man Thursday they said attacked a woman just outside Discovery Green Park in downtown Houston in what may be a revival of the infamous knockout game.

The assault at the corner of McKinney and La Branch streets was in broad daylight at the height of rush hour, and witnessed by dozens of people including John Nau, who was finishing up a construction job.

24 Comments on Knockout Game POS Performs His Contribution To Society Right in Front of the Police

  1. Felony evading and misdemeanor assault? So trying to get away is a worse crime than punching someone in the face in the first place? If he had punched her than waited for the police to arrive he wouldn’t be facing jail time?

    There’s got to be some kind of felony charges for the assault itself.

  2. The kids a dick no doubt about it but I’d like to know more about him. Is he a member of an urban band or a suburban band? If it’s an urban troop then I can understand the lack of remorse, empathy, intelligence or just about anything else that tends to make us human. I’d be surprised if he came from middle class suburb because as a rule they’re worried about the same things that whites, Asians, Hispanics etc from suburbia are worried about such as the influence of hip-hop/gang music that serves to make violence an accepted reaction to being “dissed” or belittles and degrades woman (“Ho’s, Bitches”) and teaches males (and females) that women are just to be treated a sex objects to be used, abused, given away, abandoned when pregnant, drugs, dismissal of education as a way out/up. I wonder where this kid is from and why he truly did it.

  3. “…chased down a man.” What color was this man? Last I checked, there aren’t very many white folks playing the ‘Knockout Game’… and there’s a certain group of our society that had better hope to God whitey doesn’t start playing it.

  4. scr_north, I use to ponder those questions. No more. The facts are he did it. Caught red handed. And the reason he did is because he could and face minimal repercussions. There’s only one way to stop this and that’s make the penalties harsh enough to make them think twice. And there’s white trash punks that occasionally do the same thing. They all need to be eliminated from society.

  5. @scr_north, I’m with BB on this. The time to ponder has long passed and the time for harsh punishment is now. Who knows, maybe he was just exercising his “black privilege”. Don’t know, don’t care. They need to be whacked hard and publicly without regard to race, creed color, yada yada.

    And @Big Papi, fully agree there as well. Notice they don’t go after the 250# male carrying a gym bag and make a real game of it. One, he might not go down and two, you’re in deep doo doo if he doesn’t, So they go after the aged (I believe one guy a year or two ago was over 90), the infirm, the meek, females, etc which makes it particularly and egregiously chickenshitty.

  6. It may not seem like much now but that could lead to serious problems later in life for that poor girl. Things like seizure syndrome and host of neurological disorders could haunt her for the rest of her life.

    I’m all for wrapping that worthless little dog shit right across the forehead with an aluminum baseball bat as hard as possible…not that it would hurt that thick headed maggot much then hang his ass! Why should society have to support that piece of shit?

  7. I notice that these along with preying on the weak and elderly, these little chickenshit niggs also tend to be smart enough to not practice this game in states where there are open or concealed carry laws.

    I’m waiting for the report where a 90 pound white girl shoots one of these knockout game thugs in the head. Guaranteed that if it happens, she will be arrested for the hate crime of daring to defend herself from a useless coon.

  8. I notice that these chickenshit niggs, along with targeting the weak and elderly, tend to refrain from playing the game in states where there are open or concealed carry laws.

    I’m waiting for the report of the 90 pound white girl who shoots a knockout thug in the head. I guarantee that she will most likely be charged with a hate crime for daring to defend herself against one of the poor, downtrodden coons of America.

  9. I wonder why he wasn’t gunned down per BLMs propaganda? He wasn’t armed, so shouldn’t he have been shot multiple times and left to bleed out? Will “din’ du nuffin'” be his defence?

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