LA city council votes for lawsuit, criminal probe against Texas over migrant busing program – IOTW Report

LA city council votes for lawsuit, criminal probe against Texas over migrant busing program


The Los Angeles city council voted unanimously to pursue a lawsuit and criminal probe against Texas over its migrant busing program this week.

The Wednesday vote came just hours after the eleventh migrant bus since June arrived in the city’s jurisdiction carrying 42 migrants. The council requested that the city attorney’s office investigate whether Texas Gov. Greg Abbott had committed any crimes through the program, and whether there is justification for a lawsuit.

Abbott’s program has delivered a total of 435 migrants to Los Angeles since buses started arriving on June 14. In all, the program has sent more than 30,000 migrants to Democrat-led cities across the country, including New York City, Chicago and Washington, D.C.

“The competition between these Republican governors about who could be more racist, I think, is just an utter failure and shows clearly that they do not have any intention to govern effectively,” Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez said Wednesday.

“The callous and disregard for lives of these families deserves their full investigation and accountability into the criminal actions of wrongdoing of Gov. Greg Abbott,” he added.

Abbott’s office highlighted L.A.’s status as a sanctuary city in a statement to Fox News Digital on Thursday. It also stated that migrants on the busses sign a multi-language consent waiver that states where their destination is.

“The LA City Councilmembers are complete hypocrites,” Abbott spokesman Andrew Mahaleris said in a statement. “In June, they unanimously voted to become a sanctuary city, welcoming migrants to the city. Texas began busing migrants to sanctuary cities like Los Angeles last year to provide relief to our overrun and overwhelmed border communities.”

“Instead of complaining about dealing with a fraction of the border crisis our small border towns deal with every day, the City Council should call on President Biden to take immediate action to secure the border—something the President continues failing to do,” he added.

Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis have both engaged in sending migrants to other states. Abbott argues Texas is overrun with border crossers, and other states must help share the burden. more here

18 Comments on LA city council votes for lawsuit, criminal probe against Texas over migrant busing program

  1. L.A. city council has been 80 percent confirmed Socialist/Communists until two years ago. Now they’re 100%.
    Democrat Sheriff Alex Villanueva tried to fight them. He’s now unemployed and they have a very subservient gay Mexican Sheriff. L.A. is in the process of imploding. Including Hollywood. This should be fun.

  2. point #1. it’s not ‘migrant busing’, it’s illegal alien busing

    point #2. hasn’t Kalipornia been declared a ‘sanctuary state’?

    Texas is just helping illegals, that the Federal Government has illegally let in, & taking them to the states that welcome them w/ open arms.

    got a problem, Kali? go bitch to the RedFeds … they’re the one’s that let the illegals into Texas without asking
    tough shit when your policies come back to bite you in the ass, D’cRats …. communism’s great when you don’t have to be the one’s to pay for it … effin’ hypocrites

  3. I live in Tejas. It gives me the sadz that Wheelchair Ken, (AKA Governor Abbutt,) sends our blessed migrants to shitholez like Los Angeles and New York Shitty. It would not cost that much to send them to the paradise of Honolulu.



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