Laid Off American Workers Get Their Day in Court Against Outsourcing Firm Accused of Favoring Foreigners – IOTW Report

Laid Off American Workers Get Their Day in Court Against Outsourcing Firm Accused of Favoring Foreigners

BIG GOVERNMENT: American workers suing an India-based outsourcing firm accused of discriminating against its U.S.-born employees, while favoring Indian nationals, will get their day in court thanks to an Oakland, California federal judge.

This week, a California federal judge not only refused to throw out a case against Tata Consulting Services (TCS), one of the largest outsourcers in the U.S. of American jobs, but he also turned the case into a class-action lawsuit, according to Bloomberg.

The case was brought against TCS in 2015 by American workers who said they experienced an anti-American bias at the company, which they say overwhelmingly favors imported workers of Indian descent.

Brian Buchanan, one of the American workers suing TCS in the class-action suit, said he had nearly 30 years of experience in the Information Technology (IT) industry when he and roughly 400 American workers were laid off by Southern California Edison after TCS was contracted to outsource the Americans’ jobs to cheaper foreign workers.  READ MORE

17 Comments on Laid Off American Workers Get Their Day in Court Against Outsourcing Firm Accused of Favoring Foreigners

  1. Good. I hope SoCal Edison is run by far-Left Progressives. This class-action lawsuit might wake them up to the fact that at some point you need to be loyal to THE PEOPLE WHO ARE YOUR FUCKING CUSTOMERS, fellow Americans.

  2. Good for them, and I pray that they are successful.

    I hated calling any companies customer/tech support. It’s so frustrating to call and get read a script. Every time you answer a question they ask, they have to thank you for giving them the answer and the opportunity to help you. I wanted to scream STFU and fix my problem!

  3. This happened to a girlfriend of mine who worked at the headquarters of Best Buy. I’ve never bought anything from them since. She was humiliated and forced to train her Indian replacement in order to get her severance pay. She was devastated. I hope they win this case and END this kind of immigration.

  4. Every time my phone rings now I expect to get a guy with a heavy accent telling me there’s something wrong with my computer network (“they get reports”) and that I should log in (and presumably grant them access).

    Thanks for allowing me to rant, assuming that you did!

  5. I LOVE getting the calls from the Indian guys telling me they have “detected a problem with my Windows computer.” Since I don’t own a Windows computer I play along anyway. With each question or instruction from them I get dumber and dumber and dumber. Since you can’t block these guys the only option left is for you to waste THEIR time. Especially love reading the “code” number they give me back wrong over and over until they curse and hang up.

  6. I worked in a lighting manufacturing company in the 1990s. Every day as I drove in I passed by where a crowd of illegals gathered to get picked up by someone for day labor jobs. Two of them turned up at my job one day and I was ordered to teach them how to assemble the fixtures that I made all day long. They spoke no English and I know maybe six words of Spanish, but I am very expressive and eventually they could do what I did even though it took the two of them twice as long – but when illegals can work at 1/4 of my shit pay (it’s not like they have to pay tax or FICA) I guess that was good enough for my former employer. They had me train my replacements.
    I hope those people in the story posted above win.

  7. Teach my replacement? In a pig’s ass.
    I’d teach MOST of what they need/want to know. But I’d forget/gloss over/leave out that one or two important steps that makes the whole process works. (you’all know what I’m talking about) Then sign the exit papers, collect my departure pay, then depart. Post haste. hehehehe

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