Latino Victory Fund goes too far with ad against VA candidate – IOTW Report

Latino Victory Fund goes too far with ad against VA candidate


ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A jarring political advertisement has left Ed Gillespie’s family “infuriated” and brought a rapid infusion of cash to his campaign.

In an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller Tuesday, Gillespie said his wife and children were “disgusted” by the ad, which showed a white man driving a Ford F-250 — complete with a Gillespie bumper sticker and “Don’t Tread On Me” license plates — directly at a group of fleeing minority children.  MORE

17 Comments on Latino Victory Fund goes too far with ad against VA candidate

  1. FBN’s Varney & Co. is reporting that Latino Victory has pulled down the ad. Supposedly in response to yesterday’s NYC terror attack.

    Bull shit. We all knew this hate crime would backfire on them before NYC.

  2. I saw the AD on Tucker’s show , and I just stared mouth ajar and stunned really. The Lib’s are completely out of control, and their Personal fantasy Wolds are Littering Reality !!!

  3. This episode is just another in a long series of the Leftists ratcheting up and revealing the baseness of their attitudes and beliefs about America. It’s not simply another political ad against a political opponent.

    Gird your loins, fellow warriors. We’re in for it. The charge of “racist!” hasn’t worked for the Left. Now we’re all “White Supremacists”.

  4. “Just who are these ham-handed morons?”

    “A Latino “super PAC,” the Latino Victory Fund, announced three Democrats as its first co-chairs on Monday — Representative Joaquín Castro of Texas; Melissa Mark-Viverito, the New York City Council speaker; and Antonio Villaraigosa, the former mayor of Los Angeles.”

    I think Joaquin is actually a CA rep, and he’s Julian’s twin brother. Their mom founded La Raza, which is now “People US”, I think. So, pretty much the usual suspects.

  5. Keep the ad but make a few changes to it such as a voiceover that states “This is what the Democrat Party want Hispanic Americans to think the rest of your countrymen are like.” Then cut away from the best (worst really) parts of their ad and show hispanic, black and white soldiers in combat, hispanic and white cops helping hispanic people out of a car crash, an Hispanic obstetrician and a white nurse helping an (obviously affluent) first time black mother and husband through a delivery. Man, the the GOP this could be the gift that keeps on giving.

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