Law Finally Catching Up to Lowlife Lawyers – IOTW Report

Law Finally Catching Up to Lowlife Lawyers

The chief partners of Prenda Law, Paul Hansmeier and John Steele, have been arrested and charged with operating a “porn-trolling” “multi-million dollar extortion scheme.”

These jerks would post free porn on file sharing sites then track down those that downloaded their junk and threaten them with public exposure if they didn’t pay a $4,000 for illegal downloading.  They purposely set the settlement demand below what it would cost to hire a lawyer and defend one’s self against the lawsuit.


These guys are so notorious that they have their own Wikipedia page Here 


9 Comments on Law Finally Catching Up to Lowlife Lawyers

  1. So? Was the problem that they did what every police department with more than two members has done since seizure laws? Or that they were keeping most of the money for themselves, instead of their muscle?

  2. This made me laugh……

    ….”The defendants in this case are charged with devising a scheme that casts doubt on the integrity of our profession,” said US Attorney Andrew Luger in a statement….

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  1. Prenda Law Partner Cops a Plea – IOTW Report

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