Lawyer: If Twitter Hadn’t Banned Milo, Leslie Jones [nude photos] Would Not Have Been Hacked – IOTW Report

Lawyer: If Twitter Hadn’t Banned Milo, Leslie Jones [nude photos] Would Not Have Been Hacked

I love how everyone is running around calling what was released “nude pictures.” It makes it sound tame.

No, what was released is an overhead shot of a white dude performing the ol’ “hide the salami” trick. And the hiding place is what’s normally thought of as “an exit only.”


Breitbart: Marc Randazza, a First Amendment lawyer based in Los Angeles, told The Wrap that if “Twitter [had] not banned Milo Yiannopoulos,” the release of nudes taken by the Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones to the internet on Wednesday “would not have happened.”

From The Wrap:

“There’s zero chance that this wasn’t a fan of Milo’s (Yiannopoulos),”  [Randazza] said. “The other zero percent here is it’s zero percent Milo’s fault.”

Also a fat goose egg are the chances that Breitbart editor Yiannopoulos — who was recently suspended from Twitter for “targeted abuse” of Jones via the social media platform — will face any legal trouble over this ordeal, Randazza said.

“If this was somebody who was a fan of Milo Yiannopoulos, unless he directed it, he has no liability at all,” Randazza continued. “If he just created a culture of it — as he has been accused in the past — that’s legally nothing.”

“Had Twitter not banned Milo Yiannopoulos, I bet it wouldn’t have happened,” he opined.


25 Comments on Lawyer: If Twitter Hadn’t Banned Milo, Leslie Jones [nude photos] Would Not Have Been Hacked

  1. Think of the humiliation that has to be endured when something like this happens.

    For the white dude, this is worse than having his friends catch him watching Bridget Jones’ Diary.

  2. Wait! This racist cow did the nasty with a white man and took pictures? And posted those pictures to the WORLD WIDE WEB and expected them NOT to get spread to the world? Hmmm, I guess she IS that stupid. And why even mention Milo, especially when you admit he had no part in this. Besides, using the stale overused “my account was hacked” excuse deserves being fish-slapped. Repeatedly.


    Go home, you silly creature and stop wasting our time. Your have the right to your racist attitudes and you have the right to do stupid things, but you don’t have a right to force anyone to listen or to care.

  3. I don’t like the pictures of it with clothes on…sure don’t want to be subjected to any nude photos.
    Anyone that would post these nude photos near and far should be flogged for cruel and unusual punishment.

  4. I get that some nude pictures of the goril – uh, girl – were posted on the Internet. All the whys and wherefores and the who-flung-dung-at-whom parts of it are what’s unclear to me from this story. I must need a nap.


  5. She’s a natural in comedy. The juxtaposition of her scariness and being presented as a woman has you laughing no matter what comes out her mouth.

    Her writers have the easiest job ever.

    So what if it’s AT her instead of with her. We laugh.

    “OH MY GOD!! Will you look at that! SCREEEEEM! It’s talking! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!”

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