Lawyers For Georgia Argue To Protect Dominion From Forensic Investigation – IOTW Report

Lawyers For Georgia Argue To Protect Dominion From Forensic Investigation

The National Pulse

The court ordered that voting software and information contained therein should not be destroyed, or erased or altered in Cobb, Gwinnett, and Cherokee Counties.

But the order also revealed:

Defendants’ counsel also argued that allowing such forensics inspections pose substantial security and proprietary/ trade security secrets risk to defendants.


18 Comments on Lawyers For Georgia Argue To Protect Dominion From Forensic Investigation

  1. You’d think they’d want to show off the ‘integrity’ of their system. Fucking criminals, are whaf they are. So is the entire democrat establishment, with GOP toadies getting their crumbs.

  2. If these states are using a voting system that is impossible to be verified in order to find out if it isn’t rigged the elected officials should be tried and shot.

    That’s how I feel. Just marched out back and Ceaușescued. Shot like rabbit dogs.

  3. “How complexe could a simple accumulation software be? ”

    Pretty damn complex since it isn’t a simple software involved.

    Source code for even mildly complex software, especially if it contains security protocols to prevent modifying or interfering with it, can be almost dumbfounding in complexity, they are usually written by multiple programmers who don’t even fully understand it’s overall function themselves other than the part they and their team are working on.

  4. A little more complicated of a system if you need to have non-computer software savvy people play with the numbers and not get too confused doing it. Sounds like a poor system to have running a important voting system that should be secure and verifiable if questions arise. It should have had lots of security embedded and active 24/7.

  5. Another Fix… Just send the U.S. Marshals to arrest a few lawyers and let it be known their being charged with Domestic Terrorism and ship them to Gitmo..See what happens then!

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