Le Pen May Face Trial For Tweeting Images Of ISIS Killings – IOTW Report

Le Pen May Face Trial For Tweeting Images Of ISIS Killings

DailyCaller: An European Union committee voted to lift National Front leader Marine Le Pen’s immunity Tuesday, which means she could face charges in France for tweeting images of Islamic State killings in 2015.

Le Pen tweeted out a series of graphic images of ISIS victims — including the decapitated body of American reporter James Foley —  in response to a journalist comparing her party to the terror network. A Paris prosecutor later opened an investigation into whether or not the tweets violated a law against distribution of violent images.

MEPs enjoy immunity to protect their freedom of speech. The privilege can be removed by the parliament if MEPs act outside their role as EU lawmakers.

EU’s legal committee overwhelmingly voted to remove Le Pen’s immunity Tuesday after a request from the French prosecutor.  more

18 Comments on Le Pen May Face Trial For Tweeting Images Of ISIS Killings

  1. Where’s the condemnation of the liberal/socialist press in the United States regarding prosecution for a free press in the EU?
    Oh wait, Le Pen doesn’t meet their criteria for outrage, she’s not a socialist.

  2. Okay, so here is a direct and perfect example of The Trump Effect. If La Pen is of the same mold as Trump, she will let it go to trial. It will expose several ways in which the EU is badly broken. And even if she “loses” her case, it’s nothing but upside for her and her patriots. Before the judge takes the bench, she’s already exposed how the EU changes the rules to “win.”

  3. The publicity of the trial will all work to Le Pen’s favor.
    These fools really don’t understand that “… the times, they are a’changin …”

    Even for Euro-Trash Euro-Weenies …

    Most people (even the slaves to socialism) have no desire to be the prey of savages … izlamic savages, or otherwise.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “EU’s legal committee overwhelmingly voted…”
    Isn’t that an _appointed_ committee? Probably no potential for bias there. The EU is unelected government. Elect Le Pen and toss the EU in the trash!

  5. Ah, the value of the European Union shines through again. The little trolls in Brussels bringing collective censorship to Europe and at the same time protect the Muslim murderers of innocents. I hope La Pen wins and starts a FREXIT which ought to end the EU and the tyranny of the faceless Brussels Bureaucrats who make and enforce laws and remain unelected and protected.

  6. The problem is not the murder, decapitation or other grisly crimes. The crime is transmitting images of the scene so others can experience the horrors of these primevil savages.

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