Lebron James To Be Sued For Defamation – IOTW Report

Lebron James To Be Sued For Defamation

Blue State Conservative: On an appearance in Tucker Carlson last Monday, Kyle Rittenhouse revealed that he likely has a long list of leftist losers who thought it’d be appropriate to slander a kid faced with a life-or-death situation. He had to this to say that night:

“We’re looking at quite a few, politicians, athletes, celebrities, Whoppi Goldberg is on the list, she called me a murderer after I was acquitted… So is Cenk [Uyhur] from the Young Turks.”

It’s been long anticipated that Rittenhouse would go Nick Sandman on corporate media, but there is something delicious about also taking down athletes and celebrities. It’s also unfathomable how much money he could net from these efforts, considering the aforementioned Sandman cashed in for a quarter-billion dollars. If the sky was the limit for Sandman, what is Rittenhouse’s limit? The stratosphere? The Kuiper Belt? The Oort Cloud?  more

24 Comments on Lebron James To Be Sued For Defamation

  1. Anonymous, the number one rule for trolls is that they at least by witty, astute, perspicacious, or interesting. We love dissent, but boring is intolerable.

    Come on, man, up your game.

  2. Those won’t be fake tears Bronie will be crying as millions flow from his pocket to Kyle’s.

    Anymouse likes to throw words like killer around like his pinko pals.

    Same stupid shit talk is why Kyle will soon be a millionare.

    Suck on that you unknown coward.

    Cisco Kid, I’m assuming that you are addressing Anonymous. Anymouse is the screen name of one of our readers and commenters. Anymouse is a patriot and would never say the crap that Anonymous says. Please address Anonymous as “Anonymous” or “Anon” from now on. I would appreciate it and I’m sure Anymouse would appreciate it, too. Thank you. – Claudia

  3. But rich taylor, if the trolls were “witty, astute, perspicacious, or interesting” in the first place, they’d choose a name for themselves just to gain recognition and familiarity in a site like this.

    But the trolls are so stupid they don’t get it. They’re like five year-old, Dennis The Menace brats.

  4. Poor Anymouse, getting his handle highjacked by the brain-addled pedestrian simpleton trolls (AKA, anonymous) that can’t rub two synapses together to come up with an original thought.

    Anymouse might want to change his user name to ThisMouse or Kingmouse.

    I’ve made this suggestion before, requiring commenters to come up with an original user name and email address so we could eliminate all the thought challenged anonymous’s.

    But Anymouse IS an original user name – Claudia

  5. Sandman got a quarter billion? That’s a story we didn’t hear in the legacy media. You’d think they’d at least do a PSA to help out their celeb friends, huh?

    Labron: “A fool and his money are soon parted” ~ Proverbs 21:20


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