Lefties Use Sexist Slurs Against Melania – IOTW Report

Lefties Use Sexist Slurs Against Melania

I really don’t care if the left uses sexist slurs against Melania, free speech and all.

But can they just STFU when they lecture others about how wrong , disgusting and evil it is to do such a thing?

They seem to come off a little like disingenuous, double-standard, hypocritical, controlling sh!tpickles, no?


ht/ fdr in hell

24 Comments on Lefties Use Sexist Slurs Against Melania

  1. Leftists really need a remedial course on what racism actually is (I’m pretty sure they have no clue anymore) and what the derogatory terms they throw around mean. Slut, whore, tramp, hooker and bimbo don’t really fit a faithful wife and mother. But I guess they don’t know what that is so there you go.

  2. the wheels are falling off the leftist clown car, and boy is it fun to watch

    it reminds me of a few posts ago, where a horse named trump runs over a progressive chinese moped

  3. Melania is gorgeous.

    For the last 8 years the left has been trying to pass off a janky wig wearing, snarl-toothed, prognathic jawed, drag queen eyebrowed, fat assed, androgenized first “lady” who scratches her coochie in public as the second coming of Jackie Kennedy. Seriously, Mooch looks more like something from the pages of National Geographic than the pages of Vogue. Yet, there her hideously ugly mug and grotesquely proportioned body was on the cover of just about every magazine.

    They can’t stand it that Melania is of all the things they tried to pretend Mooch was: fashionable, beautiful, classy, and smart.

  4. As I mentioned elsewhere after seeing a picture of The Worst Lady Obama: “If she was in the White House in 1934, I would have told Eleanor to fire her immediately and hire a new housekeeper.” One that wouldn’t frighten Fala. 👿

  5. Melania is smart, strong and gorgeous. Melania won’t be roaming the White House grounds foraging for snacks and howling at the moon, dressed in a potato sack gathered under her boobs with rope. Just sayin’.

  6. After an extensive fumigation, the beautiful Mrs Trump will put some much needed, and long missing class back to the White House. And I guess moochie can go back to torture testing samsonite luggage.organgrinder

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