Leftist heartache at the upscale gym – IOTW Report

Leftist heartache at the upscale gym

American Thinker: I’ve sometimes written in these pages about what it’s like to be a moderate Republican living in the fifth most progressive ZIP code in America, the Lakeview neighborhood of Chicago.  Before I get to what happened over the weekend, I offer a brief history of some of my experiences.

A few weeks after Trump’s election, I was at a restaurant where a large party was celebrating the fact that one of the group members finally had the “courage” to leave her home — apparently being in public in the weeks after Trump won was too frightening for her.  A few days later, at a local coffee shop, a man asked that I put away my Wall Street Journal, as it apparently was too triggering for him.  About a year ago, a woman sitting next to me on a train made a big show about changing seats, because she saw me posting to a pro-Trump private group on Facebook.  About six months ago, a friend who lives in my neighborhood sent me a text canceling our meeting for drinks after work after he watched one of my media appearances, stating: “Until you get on the right side of history, I’m going to need to re-evaluate our friendship.”  (Proving the old adage that no good deed goes unpunished, I helped this “friend” find a job after he was out of work for six months.)

But none of this prepared me for what happened at my gym this weekend.

6 Comments on Leftist heartache at the upscale gym

  1. Well, I remember what happened when Obama was elected in 2008. I watched the election results with dismay, went to bed, and the next morning I got up and went to work. I had a pretty normal day, then a normal week, and then a normal month and year.

    That’s because I don’t let fucking politicians dictate my mood or mental health. Sure, when liberal politicians “do something” they generally make things worse, but I just try to do what I can to get these jackwads out of office and go about my business.


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