Leftist Media Pitch A New Dem Icon to Millennials – IOTW Report

Leftist Media Pitch A New Dem Icon to Millennials


Tired of “the Bern,” fooled by “Fauxcahontas” once too often millennials? Don’t despair, media outlets aimed at your age group have a new leftist hero for you to rush to the barricades to support, Representative Maxine Waters (CA-D).


Why the sudden love of all things Maxine by leftist media?  Watch



27 Comments on Leftist Media Pitch A New Dem Icon to Millennials

  1. This dirty little monster. Thinking bad thoughts.
    I am hoping that maybe some man in the room… some man with GUTS… somebody who’s so sick to death of living in this kind of place and willing to take a chance will sneak up behind this imbecile and rip that heavy wig off her thick skull and end this once and for all!
    Somebody sneak up behind her.
    Somebody end this now! While she’s thinking about Trump! Won’t somebody take a plumber’s wrench or a crowbar or something…rip that wig off AND END THIS?!?!?

  2. Oh My Gawd, another “astroturf” effort on the left to create popularity where none would exist under “normal” circumstances. And the leftys all fall in line like toe good little fascists they are.

  3. Remember when you were afraid to tell the dumb kid they were wrong because they were a minority and you felt they should get special treatment so they could get ahead and it made you feel good because your a nice and caring person and your actions proved it? Remember how proud you were and how you lectured everyone on what really matters? You must be so proud!

  4. Took Viagra. Had an awesome 6 hours. Took selfies etc. Then I got scared so I made an appointment with my doctor who can’t see me till tomorrow. In the meantime I came across this evil bitch-face on my favorite news site. Now I cancel tomorrow’s doctor appointment. Thanks y’all.

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