Leftist “Moral Test” and Intimidation Tactics – IOTW Report

Leftist “Moral Test” and Intimidation Tactics

DMF: A group of organizations have formed a coalition to pressure companies not to hire people who have worked for the Trump administration, including former secretary of DHS, Kirstjen Nielsen, who resigned from her post on Sunday. The group known as “Restore Public Trust”, who claim to be non-partisan, organized the coalition and released an open letter urging the blacklisting of 27 current and former Trump administration officials who were involved with President Trump’s border security policies.

The letter,  sent to the chief executive officers of all Fortune 500 companies, states chillingly that the listed individuals “should not be allowed to seek refuge in your boardrooms or corner offices. Allowing them to step off of the revolving door and into your welcoming arms should be a non-starter.” In addition to Nielsen, the list includes former White House chief of staff John Kelly, Trump spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and former DOJ spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores. Conspicuously missing from the list are the Obama officials who carried out the same policies at the border.  more here

9 Comments on Leftist “Moral Test” and Intimidation Tactics

  1. “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?” Hahahahahahahaa you people crack me up…”Have you no sense of decency, sir?” Hahahahahahahaa. That is rich. I gotta hand it to these new commies, they got some nerve. Hahahahahahahaa!

  2. When will the Right finally wise up and start using the same tactics on the left? Camp out on the front lawns of people you don’t agree with and follow their kids to school, harass them in restaurants and so on. Even if you have to hire paid thugs to carry this out…that’s exactly what THEY DO!

  3. A respected conservative group ought to send a note out to the 500 companies outlining Ciccone’s resume of working for Boxer, Obama, the DNC and the other left wing groups that continue to threaten companies such as they to toe the line with their socialist (some would say fascist) agendas. Also note that the former director Scott Foval who worked beside Ciccone at her former left wing pressure group Americans United for Change has been caught on tape (via Veritas) saying “We have mentally ill people that we pay to do sh*t — make no mistake,” and there is no reason to think that she wouldn’t stoop to this vile level again. Let them know that it’s the right of every person to be judged on their on strengths, weaknesses and accomplishments and that they hope the companies will agree and not bow to the demands and threats of a group that is hardly non-partisan but is obviously a hard left, anti Trump/conservative group.

    I’d also try to find out where the money is coming from. Bet Soros’s dirty finger are in their. That whole family is evil.


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