Leftists call for deflating tires of SUVs to combat climate change – IOTW Report

Leftists call for deflating tires of SUVs to combat climate change


A radical environmental group raised a few eyebrows on Twitter after encouraging people to let the tires out of SUVs in an apparent bid to combat climate change

The group, Adbusters, tweeted step-by-step instructions for the provocation on Wednesday, calling it a “gentle escalation” or ramping up the urgency about climate change.  more

39 Comments on Leftists call for deflating tires of SUVs to combat climate change

  1. Deplorable Second Class,
    “Ice pick in the side wall”……….of whom? The SUV tire? or the Libtard “spare tire”?

  2. I’ve got a better idea to combat “climate change” – how about letting the air out of those who think climate change is a real issue?

    I’ve already proposed that they could begin by holding their breath but maybe, if we put our heads together, we can devise a way to assist.

  3. I’ve also noticed that perfectly good houses are being torn down and replaced with McMansions all over the place.

    What is the carbon footprint of the teardown, the new build plus the utilities to heat, light and air condition the addition 3,000 square feet of space for the box that is now sitting on a plot that formerly had a 2,000 sq ft home that was probably adequate to house a growing family.

    What do you want to bet that the owners of these new abodes believe completely in climate change?

  4. That’s about as good a way to spring a 45 caliber leak as I know of.

    Progressives are incapable of minding their own business and/or keeping their filthy mitts off of what doesn’t belong to them. The world would be a much better place if they all died out.

  5. @Stop the World I Want to Get Off:
    You make a good point. When I was growing up in the 50s and 60s in the San Fernando valley, we would often drive by the houses of the rich and famous Hollywood stars. By today’s standards, the houses were relatively modest. There was a reluctance to make a big show of their wealth (by some). We had one of the bigger houses in the neighborhood; I was shocked to learn as an adult that it was only 1,800 sq ft. We are so spoiled today.

  6. “These stoopid little shits never learn. ”

    That’s true. And there’s and endless supply of them. So if your forced to put a couple rounds through one of these trained circus dogs, be sure and track down the trainer a put a few rounds through them too. Who ever is running AdBusters shouldn’t be that hard to find.

  7. I agree with the sentiment here, but please keep in mind that deadly Force to protect property will earn you some time in prison with a lot of like-minded folks that did it in the first place and there will be no one watching your car while you’re there.
    Unless you are in fear for your life.

  8. @Extirpates April 12, 2022 at 11:04 am

    > Why do they not stick Voodoo pins in trees?

    Because rapist zombie trees are skeerty.

    (Hey Ash! Where you bin!?)

  9. Numerous federal agencies use SUVs to drive around their staff and employees. Not one among those society’s rejects and failures comically calling themselves “environmentalists” have the guts to tamper with or destroy fed property. Those vaudeville lefty activists are some of the biggest hypocrites around by polluting the environment and air with their crack smoke, meth containers and labs, discarded heroin needles, AIDS-HIV spreading, chronic std, empty liquor bottles, and their all-around human waste and filth they deposit in doorways and sidewalks.

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