Lena Dunham Wants A New Amendment To Protect Her Feelings – IOTW Report

Lena Dunham Wants A New Amendment To Protect Her Feelings

lena dunham wth?

DailyCaller: Poor Lena Dunham. That sister-molesting, Hillary-endorsing rape-hoaxer has quit Twitter more times than she’s had hot meals. Which is to say, a lot of times. A whooooole lot of times.

And here we go again!

h/t  Snowball the Sourpuss.

27 Comments on Lena Dunham Wants A New Amendment To Protect Her Feelings

  1. Hideously unattractive, obese, insane pseudo-feminist that hates normal women, normal men, and herself – with a personality that Hannibal Lector would find repulsive.

    Even the almost-male SJWs won’t touch that.

  2. I want a new amendment to protect me from seeing her naked fat flesh every time I go online. You know, something prohibiting taking photos of Dunham if she’s not fully dressed.

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