Letter To Half-Brother Reveals Why Obama Went Into Politics – IOTW Report

Letter To Half-Brother Reveals Why Obama Went Into Politics

It was all race based.

Western Journalism

“Some colleagues of mine here have talked me into running for the Illinois State Senate (like being an MP for a province),” Obama wrote to Malik in 1995, one year before he was elected to the Illinois Senate. “I have agreed,” he continued, “since I have an interest in politics to deal with some serious ­issues blacks face here.”

Prior to running for state Senate, Obama had been working for the Chicago law firm of Miner, Barnhill & Galland while teaching part-time at the University of Chicago Law School.

“Of course, it involves a lot of campaigning, going to meetings and so on, which I don’t find so attractive,”


This is why he golfs incessantly.

11 Comments on Letter To Half-Brother Reveals Why Obama Went Into Politics

  1. Some colleagues of mine here have talked me into running for the Illinois State Senate…

    Dear Barack:

    You are a terrible lawyer and are going to get fired. You had better find a new job soon. Hopefully one that matches your incredibly low level of competence.


    Miner, Barnhill & Galland

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