Levin: Trump Cannot be indicted, say DOJ memoranda – IOTW Report

Levin: Trump Cannot be indicted, say DOJ memoranda

Conservative Review:

Yes, it’s just that simple. The long-held official policy of the Department of Justice is that a sitting president of the United States cannot be indicted, according to official DOJ memoranda. Even The New York Times agrees

Mark Levin informed his listeners of this fact during his radio program Monday night, saying, “whether I agree with that position or not is quite beside the point.”

“So all this talk about whether Trump personally is under investigation for obstruction of justice, or whether Trump violated the law, it will never go to court … if Robert Mueller should seek to indict Trump, a sitting president, in the end the Supreme Court would throw it out,” Levin continued.


So why does the endless cloud of investigation around the Trump administration exist? It exists generally to distract and derail Trump’s presidency, and specifically for the purposes of impeachment.

Levin said as much: “Mueller’s investigation, to the extent it involves Trump himself, has as its purpose to lay a predicate or a pretext, if you will, for impeachment — and that’s not that man’s job!”


5 Comments on Levin: Trump Cannot be indicted, say DOJ memoranda

  1. Fake news for the news that they made up last month.
    They know they are nolonger in power so they are drumming
    up anything they think will make Trump look back and cause
    more fake news.

  2. You can’t believe anything coming from any msm source, period, and I’d put fox in that category for 50% as well.

    This has been the case since Trump came down the escalator.

    They’re flat out making stuff up,and shout it from the roof tops.

    A day later they have a retraction or correction which is whispered in the basement.

    Thus, journalistic integrity is maintained.

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