Lib Rags Sense Something’s Wrong – IOTW Report

Lib Rags Sense Something’s Wrong

The left is starting to get a burning sensation, and it’s not Bernie Sanders, and that has inspired some to speculate on why they are going to take yet another drubbing at the polls come next November.


Matthew Yglesias got the ball rolling in Vox early yesterday, recognizing how much ground the Dems have lost at the State level and in Congress. He goes on to accuse the leading Dem presidential candidates of trying to out-Socialist Obama and accusing the left of being “smug.”

That piece inspired Ian Millhiser to offer up some suggestions of his own in Think Progress. He blames it all on gerrymandered voting districts that are drawn by Republican controlled State Houses. He says they need to fight for control of SCOTUS in order to protect their agenda.

Matthew Yglesias

Ian Millhiser

I’m posting these two opinion pieces so you can get a sense of how the left is talking to itself and how completely in denial they are on the real cause of their troubles.  In a word the sickness in the Democrat Party today is Obamaism.


9 Comments on Lib Rags Sense Something’s Wrong

  1. Last night, my patriot group had an election atty discuss gerrymandering. He speaks to groups from both parties who see the abuse. “You don’t pick your candidate,” the speaker said, “the candidate picks you.”

    The majority of ALL house members want non-partisan or equally bipartisan groups to redraw districts to look sane. The holdout? The house majority leader won’t do it; he wants his power.

  2. They are going to lose more elections, but they are winning the war.
    Consider that all our candidates are to the left of where Bill Clinton ran from except Trump and Cruz.
    Cruz is to the right, and Trump is, for all intents and purposes running on Bill’s first platform.
    Both parties have been wandering left for a long time, and I fear that in just a couple more cycles the Republican candidates will be arguing for sensible sociism in a way reminiscent of ‘compassionate conservatism’.
    If you think this a recent phenomenon, go back and reread “Atlas Shrugged”.

  3. The lame stream has been astroturfing on all channels this week, pretending like Hillary is a shoe in, pretending like Trump is a goner, pretending like gun rights are gonna be gone any day now, pretending like clock boy didn’t totally punk the moron in chief, and pretending that global warming nee climate change nee fucking bullshit is real.

    They’re all over the place.

  4. Never underestimate the ability of the republican establishment to shoot themselves in the foot. They would rather Hillary be elected instead of a conservative. I’m talking to you, Carl Rove.

  5. At the rate the uniparty is letting in mexicans and mooslems, the electoral victories of the past few years will be hard to duplicate if this madness is not stopped. In Canada the commies got 71% of the vote. That is our destiny in a very few years. Better get to work to elect Trump or Cruz (or retire from the field).

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