Liberal Women Are Undergoing Sterilization and Blaming Trump – IOTW Report

Liberal Women Are Undergoing Sterilization and Blaming Trump


Several liberal women have gotten sterilized or plan to, blaming their decision to become infertile on Donald Trump winning the 2024 presidential election.

In interviews with Newsweek, the women, including an OnlyFans model, said they are afraid of their “reproductive rights” being taken away once Trump becomes president again. Trump has repeatedly said he believes abortion is a states issue, although his left-wing opponents have baselessly claimed that he will ban abortion nationwide. 

Eden Ixora, 25, of Florida, who reportedly creates content for OnlyFans, said, “the idea of getting pregnant is worse than death.” She told the outlet she is making plans to have a bilateral salpingectomy, which is a procedure to have both of her fallopian tubes removed.   more

33 Comments on Liberal Women Are Undergoing Sterilization and Blaming Trump

  1. It’s for the best. People who have mental illness are in no position to raise children in a healthy way, and this way at least they won’t have more abortions.

    God is good.

  2. Liberal women are sterilizing themselves and so won’t have any children to indoctrinate with collectivism and racism and envy, and they’re doing this as a protest and I’m supposed to CARE and want to STOP THEM?!


  3. With Liberals being some of the best Bullshitters on Planet Earth, I believe most, if not all, to be Bullshitting so they can reap mountains of sympathy from gullible fools that also hate Trump with a burning passion.

  4. POTUS Trump has even been Inaugurated, yet he soldiers on to MAGA !

    In fact this will make the world great again by thinning down the stupid and ugly (liberal wymen) from future generations

  5. Y’all keep using the words, “reproductive rights”. I don’t think that means what you think it means…
    You have the right to reproduce. You don’t have the right, however, to kill the baby before it’s born.

  6. “I am not happy that I felt forced into a surgery I did not want to alter my body, I feel like the election tied my hands and forced me to be sterilized — that is horrible.”

    I’ll take something a narcissist might say for $100, Alex.

    It’s always someone else’s fault for what they do and think.

  7. Didn’t any doctor inquire “you want to be permanently sterilized because your preferred candidate didn’t win? And you do realize abortion is still legal, don’t you?”

    If I were a doctor, I don’t think I could perform a sterilization on women who are obviously delusional and irrational. On the other hand, maybe these medical professionals are into eugenics and feel like they are doing society a service by limiting this particular gene pool.

  8. The warped Satan inspired Feminist Marxist ideology has turned these women into demonic psychotic narcissists. They won’t stop at sterilization and/or abortion. The next step is to become suicidal. God is not willing that any should perish, but He does allow free will, no matter the situation and consequences.

    These feminists want control of their bodies at the detriment or death of an unborn individual living in their bodies for 9 months. They also want control of their destinies although it means self-destruction, death and damned for eternity.

    They hate God and refusing to live according to His will and Word which is their only hope. Many won’t see the Truth…and that’s on them.

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