Life Inside Soviet Gulag Prisons – IOTW Report

Life Inside Soviet Gulag Prisons


During the reign of Joseph Stalin, 14 million people ended up in a Soviet gulag, where they were forced to literally work themselves to death.

During the days of Stalin, one wrong word could end with the secret police at your door, ready to drag you off to a Soviet gulag – one of the many forced labor camps where inmates worked until they died. Historians estimate that nearly 14 million people were thrown into a gulag prison during Stalin’s reign. more here

18 Comments on Life Inside Soviet Gulag Prisons

  1. _Grey is the Colour of Hope_ and _Till My Tale is Told_ – just a couple of the works on my shelves from when I read a lot about this topic for a period of a few years. It really is heartbreaking.

  2. My Grandma was one of them. Amazing story but never liked talking about it. Only survived because need for anyone that could translate German. We are wimps and fools to let it happen again

  3. AOC has called for re-education.
    The young people think Communism is a good idea.
    People are being arrested in Canada, some states, Ireland and other countries for speaking up.
    We’re watching Communism being implemented “for our own good”.

    It’s past time to push back on the bullies.

  4. Human nature is always the same. When you’re convinced (brainwashed) you are the sole possessor of the truth then anything you do is for the good of mankind. Our lefties here are just the same as Stalin’s minions.

  5. Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century!
    Same as the old Communism, just slicker and shinier thanks to the high tech of the Complicit, Bought &Paid For, knee-Pad Media… but just as malodorous!

  6. You want to see how much people love Communism?
    nearly 4 million people have moved to TX in the last decade; a whole shitload of those from CA.
    Fundamentally, adults don’t think much of being treated like stupid children.

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