Like you were never even here… – IOTW Report

Like you were never even here…

Diogenes’ Middle Finger

The Left’s Long National Nightmare.
It’s Only Just Begun

17 Comments on Like you were never even here…

  1. What is the context of that photo!? (it must be from Inauguration Day)

    Caption Contest material?
    (“And you better take your chewbaca “wife” with you. Don’t you dare try to leave that in the WH!”)

  2. Remember that press corp dinner in 2012. With a simmering DJT. I have no doubt that’s now what was said. Further more I’ll bet good money BoRock spotted his underwear. Thank God for DJT.

  3. The picture in the article is priceless. But does anyone know who the guard on the right is gesturing to? Maybe Huma? Or is that a hijab instead of long hair. It looks like she/it was trying to sneak around the back of the guards.

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