Limbaugh: Did Hillary Run Guns Out of Benghazi? – IOTW Report

Limbaugh: Did Hillary Run Guns Out of Benghazi?

Also: And the father of Benghazi victim Tyrone Woods speaks out.

/Rush Limbaugh/ Julian Assange at WikiLeaks claims that there are a whole lot more emails coming.  And he says that they are about Benghazi, but not so much what you think of when you hear Benghazi.  Have any of you ever stopped to ask yourself, “What were we doing there?” I mean, okay, we had just wiped out Khadafy, and terrorism rose up in that country out of control.  It was a hellhole.  It was a dangerous place to be.

There was no reason to have to have a State Department annex anywhere near an embassy in Benghazi.  There was no reason for it diplomatically, particularly in the aftermath of having ousted Khadafy, which Hillary Clinton to this day claims was a major foreign policy achievement.  Well, you may have heard over the course of the recent past — a few years or so — that there was actually a gunrunning operation going on out of Benghazi.


12 Comments on Limbaugh: Did Hillary Run Guns Out of Benghazi?

  1. I can’t believe we are waiting for scraps from Assange’s table to sink Hillary. At least we have a candidate who would do something with the info, and not seek praise from the MSM for “taking the high road”.

    My worry is that amoral America is getting adjusted to Hillary’s criminality, largely because the crimes she commits are on such a grand scale,and so far removed from the crimes of ordinary people, that they can muster neither the moral righteousness nor the intellectual rigor to reject her in the face of the obscene truth. I really hope I am wrong, and that this election is very different from previous elections.

  2. Whatever it was, it was worth the assassination of Amb. Stevens and the murders of Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith, and Glen Doherty – not to mention the projection of weakness of the United States to the World.

    Clinton and Obola should die of shame – and we, the People of the United States, should die of shame for allowing these treasons to continue.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It’s the ONLY question that was never asked of any of the Benghazi witnesses at any congressional hearings! “Why was Chris Stevens in Benghazi on 9/11?” So simple it couldn’t have been an oversight.

  4. @Tim:

    Dead men don’t speak that’s why our soldiers were told to stand down. It all makes sense now. Kill anyone who would and could talk. This is how the Clintons have always worked.

  5. Kinda funny that nobody asks any relevant questions.
    The RINOs dance around the issue, trying to make political hay without doing any real damage to Obola and Clinton. The media have their “spin” and “talking points” and refuse to deviate. The CIA/NSA/DIA (understandably) withdraw further into the shadows, protecting the traitors who orchestrated the entire affair. And the American people are the only ones who come out with nothing – except dead sons.

    “Conspiracy Against One’s Sovereign” used to be Treason.
    Now, it’s SOP.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Did she funnel arms to her muzzie paymasters, engineer the death of witnesses, block efforts to rescue them, blame it on some poor schlub, lie about it afterwards, and shrug it off wtih “what difference does it make?” ?


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