Limbaugh: Vicious Attacks On Apple Engineer’s Daughter For Viral iPhone X Video – IOTW Report

Limbaugh: Vicious Attacks On Apple Engineer’s Daughter For Viral iPhone X Video

Brooke Amelia Peterson is evil, apparently, because she has the cash to shop high-end with her mom when she gets the blahs.
When she visited her daddy, an RF engineer on the iPhone X, she took some video footage of a cafe at Apple headquarters and did a demo of her dad’s  iPhone X. Well, that was a big no-no. Daddy got fired because rules were broken. No filming allowed at Apple headquarters and she accidentally let loose some technical secrets.  To add to the sad, viewers of her video trashed Brooke because she’s rich.  Video here


13 Comments on Limbaugh: Vicious Attacks On Apple Engineer’s Daughter For Viral iPhone X Video

  1. What a dumb girl.
    Unveiling trade secrets will get you fired. It’s happened to people I know in the game industry (NOT friends of mine though).

    They were dumb too-just posers and “look at me!” I have secret art files from that game ya’ll wanna play posted on my website! Oops.

  2. Stupid fucking idiot is all I can say. The best advice I have is ditch social media and shut the fuck up. Who cares what you have to say. Nothing good ever comes from posting crap.

  3. Why people would watch her (or anyone else, really) shopping, eating, etc is beyond my comprehension. But, isn’t the iPhone X already being sold? Sprint keeps sending me offers to buy it, and I’m usually one of the last people to learn about such novelties. Could it be that Apple is just using this for publicity?
    Good Lord, I became a cynical!!

  4. OH! APPLE PAY you say! You can pay things with your phone using Apple pay!?

    Yeah, there’s been apps around for years that can do that.

  5. The commies on Reddit really are a bunch of clueless morons.

    This story came up on there two days ago and the comments were something to behold.

    As it turns out, you can’t just defy your boss, your contracts, your company, etc. and start saying whatever you want without expecting to be fired because of all the money they spent investing in this product that was ruined by this spoiled brat’s vanity statement. Good riddance, Daddy-O.

    Unless you’re in the NFL. Then it’s okay.

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