Listen Up Western Artists – Muslim Poet Sentenced To Death For Being Too Much Like You – IOTW Report

Listen Up Western Artists – Muslim Poet Sentenced To Death For Being Too Much Like You

Did Ashraf Fayadh draw Muhammad? Nope.

Ashraf Fayadh © Ashraf Fayadh


Did Ashraf Fayadh denounce Islam? Nope. He says he’s still a devout Muslim, but some dude heard him curse Allah, and now he must die.

Who is going to kill Ashraf Fayadh?

No, it won’t be gun toting “Islamic extremists” bursting into an office and mowing everyone down with AK-47s.

It won’t be a wild-eyed “Islamic extremist” knifing him to death in the street.

It won’t be an “Islamic extremist” detonating a homicide bomb on a bus he’s on.

No, a moderate Muslim will be hacking his head off with a government-issued scimitar. The crime won’t officially be “being too western,”  butt that’s what it amounts to. And yet, hipster douchebag artists in this country are lining up to hug Muslims as they enter, idiotically thinking they are soul mates.

I honestly don’t know who to root for. I have to be brutally honest, I will take great pleasure in seeing some libtard heads roll. I really, really will.

14 Comments on Listen Up Western Artists – Muslim Poet Sentenced To Death For Being Too Much Like You

  1. Ain’ta gonna happen. Too much publicity and bad press involved. They’ll pardon him, or reduce the sentence on appeal – then they can talk about what nice guys they are for being so merciful.

    Yeah, they’re real sweethearts, all right…


  2. The only problem with a libtard getting a taste of Allah’s plan for him is that other douche libtards will not blame the Islamist. They will sit there and say this happened because of GWB, Reagan, Eisenhower, Lincoln, John Adams, Washington. Hell even James Polk might get some blame too.

    “Give Aid and Comfort to the Enemy” is the motto of modern leftist regressive.

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