Little Known Fact – Gymnastics is FAKED! – IOTW Report

Little Known Fact – Gymnastics is FAKED!

911 was a hologram.

The moon landing was directed by Stanley Kubrick.

The world is flat.

And Gymnastics are not real.

(I know the guy is kidding.) ((The video is well done.))

7 Comments on Little Known Fact – Gymnastics is FAKED!

  1. Sasquatch lives in Michigan.

    UFO’s dive under water.

    Nessie has a younger sister.

    Thunderbirds still fly.

    There are ghosts in your house.

    There is a fifth dimension.

    You’re being eaten alive.

    Joe Biden is President.

  2. Your 401K is safe.

    We don’t need a gold-backed Dollar.

    Democrats are Patriots.

    The Hollocaust didn’t happen.

    Crime is at a 50-year low under Biden.

    What’s good for Ukraine is good for America.

    Hillary actually won in 2016.

    (The list is potentially long.)


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