Look For The BLM Group To Ramp Things Up – Experts Say Tamir Rice Shooting Justified – IOTW Report

Look For The BLM Group To Ramp Things Up – Experts Say Tamir Rice Shooting Justified


Read the reports: Report by Colorado prosecutor | Report by former FBI agent | Highway Patrol report

S. Lamar Sims, the senior chief deputy district attorney in Denver, wrote one of the reports and concludes Loehmann’s decision to shoot Rice as he approached the officers was “objectively reasonable”

“There can be no doubt that Rice’s death was tragic and, indeed, when one considers his age, heartbreaking,” Sims writes in his report. “However,for all of the reasons discussed herein, I conclude that Officer Loehmann’s belief that Rice posed a threat of serious physical harm or death was objectively reasonable as was his response to that perceived threat.”

Neither Loehmann nor Garmback spoke with the reports’ authors.




9 Comments on Look For The BLM Group To Ramp Things Up – Experts Say Tamir Rice Shooting Justified

  1. Agitators gonna agitate.

    A 12 year old kid should know better that to point a gun, even a pellet gun, at the police. This looks like suicide by cop. Which antidepressants was the kid taking?

  2. In my estimation, if black men with their swingin’ dices don’T step up, those black gals may go elswhere..based on a premise that they may actually desire something beyond sexing…

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