Look who flew that racist flag at his inauguration – IOTW Report

Look who flew that racist flag at his inauguration

The left always comes out looking stupid whenever they scold the rest of us deplorables, don’t they?

The above shot was Obama’s inauguration.

more at hannity

20 Comments on Look who flew that racist flag at his inauguration

  1. I am amazed that his “blue plate with bacon & eggs” logo wasn’t in the circle of stars on one end, and his “Obama of America” fake presidential seal on the other end. Vero possumus, indeed. Eight years of that prick. Wow.

  2. You know whats cool? I’ve never heard him speak more than a sentence. For 8 years I read transcripts.

    8 years of bliss.

    Never watched SNL, said f you to the news ages ago. While everyone else was blowing gaskets and foaming at the mouth, I was raising a fambly and gettin’ right with Jesus.

    I’m sayin’ I’m up for some skulduggery now to break up the monotony.

  3. I just hung my “Betsy Ross” Flag, as I do every Fourth of July.
    I will now root out every piece of Nike stuff I have and give it to The Salvation Army.
    Glad to see that Rush Limbaugh is no longer wearing a Nike shirt.
    Have a great Independence Day all you Deplorables at IOTW. MAGA/KAG

    Aaron Burr. You mean you never saw him struggle w/out a Teleprompter? Hilarious. Check him out..

  4. Candy-Gram for Revrum Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating, thoroughly corrupt, maladroit, narcissistic, corrupt, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, stair-prancing, Gay-obsessed, ankle-grabbing, “flexible”, phony-baloney plastic banana Manchurian doorknob and Communist-Organizing Marxist Muzlim Mallard disguised as a Black man…

  5. obola DID know about the slavery-era reference of the Betsy Ross flag.

    And that is why he flew it: To honor his african/muslim ancestors that sold their brothers and sisters into BONDAGE for profit and for allah

    Right, Barki? Tell your obozo-boy Krappydick that he’s right.

  6. Notice to all Golf Club Professionals in America: Remove Nike gear.
    Take their shit off your shelves. Nike uses slave labor and child labor to make their shit. Believe me. The Antifa thugs are going to attack your clubs and burn them down. It will start next week
    Just joking. Fogetaboutit.
    But I do hope that President Trump dumps Nike gear from his clubs.
    Others may follow. More popcorn please.

  7. Great point and photo about the Betsy Ross flag at O’Bumble’s swearing in. Seems every day the liberals commit hari-kari. They just have no clue about how effed-up they are.

  8. Trust Barky and the gang to get those flags WRONG. The size of the union, the blue background part with the stars, is not proportioned correctly for the overall size of those flags.

    I fly two flags on holidays and when the mood seizes me: the Betsy Ross and the First Navy Jack. The Jack predates the Betsy Ross by seven years – 1775 vs. 1792 – and is IIRC the first of many “Don’t Tread on Me” flags and emblems.

    Betsy is flying in my front lawn tomorrow, of course.


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